Page 100 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 100



                                                 STRUCTURED GRID

             The boxes containing the questions / statements of different people at a hotel or a restaurant are given
             in the structured grid below, and the questions are given under the structured grid.
             You are expected to answer the questions using the numbers in the boxes.
             You can use the same box as an answer to more than one question.
             When you answer all questions correctly, the highest score you can get is 50.

                           1.                 2.                 3.

                           Hello, how can       I would like         Do you
                             I help you?         to make a          have any
                                              reservation for      vacancies?
                                               the weekend.

                           4.                 5.                 6.

                           When is it for?      Is breakfast     Can I pay with
                                                 included?          the credit

                           7.                 8.                 9.

                            I would like to    Do you have         Could I take
                            book a room /      any luggage?         a contact
                                table.                              number?

             Read the questions / statements and write the correct number for each question. You can use
             each number more than once.

             I. Which of the box / boxes can you hear from a receptionist at a hotel?

             II. Which of the box / boxes can you hear from a hotel customer?

             III. Which of the box / boxes can you hear from a customer of a restaurant?
             IV. Which of the box / boxes can you hear from a secretary of a restaurant?

             V. Which of the box / boxes cannot you hear from a secretary of a restaurant?

   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105