Page 104 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 104



                                              OPEN-ENDED QUESTION

          Read the paragraph and answer the questions below.
          You will receive 1 point for each correct answer. The highest score you can get is 5.

          Energy is essential for our daily lives. We use it to power our homes, cars, etc. However, some of the energy
          sources we use are not renewable, meaning we cannot produce them again once they are gone. Fossil fuels
          like coal, oil, and gas are some examples of these non-renewable sources. They took millions of years to form,
          but we use them much faster than nature can replenish them. This means that if we continue using them at
          the current rate, they will run out in the future. Using such non-renewable energy sources can also be harmful
          to the environment. They produce gases like carbon dioxide that can contribute to global warming and climate
          change. These changes can cause problems, including more extreme weather events and rising sea levels.
          Moreover, wasting energy sources also means wasting money. If we use energy inefficiently, we end up paying
          more than we need to. This is because making energy costs money and resources, and if we waste energy, we
          also lose money and resources. Therefore, we need to be mindful of our energy usage and conserve it whenever
          possible. By doing so, we can reduce the harmful effects on the planet and save money simultaneously.

          1. What are the main consequences of using non-renewable energy sources?


          2. How does using energy inefficiently waste money and resources?

          3. How can conserving energy help reduce its harmful effects on the planet? Add your own ideas and share
          them with your classmates.

          4. Why do we need to be mindful of our energy usage?

          5. How can we provide some potential long-term solutions to the problem of non-renewable energy sources
          running out? Add your own ideas and share them with your classmates.


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