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    ENGLISH      to legally become the parents of           compatible (adj)            fierce (adj)
            adopt (v)
                                                                             showing strong feelings,
                                            able to exist, live, or work
            someone else’s child
                                                                             especially of actions or emotions
                                            successfully and well together
                                                                               Sarah showed a fierce

              The couple was excited to
                                              The kids’ interests were

              adopt a child and welcome the           compatible, so they became              determination to succeed in the
              new family member.              close friends.                   competition.
            approach (n)                     compulsory (adj)                 fit into (phr v)
           a method of doing something or       that must be done; required by         to be accepted by the people in a
           coping with a problem            law or a rule                    group or organisation
             Taking a positive approach to         In many countries, attending          Sam easily fitted into the class
             challenges often helps with         school is compulsory for         on the first day of school.
             personal growth.                 children.
                                                                              foster (v)
            assumption (n)                   condemn (v)                     to let a good feeling or situation
            something that one accepts as         to say strongly that someone or        develop
            true without question or evidence     something is very bad or wrong      Regular meditation practices can
             The assumption that all           The community came together         foster a sense of inner peace.
             societies are similar can be           to condemn the recent rise in
             misleading.                      criminal acts.                  frankly (adv)
                                                                             in an honest and direct way
            attachment (n)                   conformity (n)                    Speaking frankly at a job
           a strong feeling of love or liking        behaviour that obeys the            interview can increase
           for someone or something         accepted rules of society or a         one’s credibility.
             Babies have a strong           group
             attachment to their mothers        Conformity to shared values        fundamentally (adv)
             from the very first.             strengthens social bonds.      in a basic and important way
                                                                               Turkish family traditions are
            attitude (n)                     confusing (adj)                   fundamentally based on strong
           the way you think or feel about         difficult to understand       relationships.
           something                          The lesson seemed confusing
             A positive attitude is key to            at first, but practice made it        get along (phr v)
             overcoming challenges in life.       clear.                     to like and be friendly to each other
                                                                               Adrian often argued with his
            burden (n)                       decisively (adv)                  parents, but now they get along
           something difficult that you have       with firmness; in a quick,            well.
           to cope with or worry about      effective, and confident way
             Sharing duties at home           After graduating, Bob decisively         get through (phr v)
                                                                             to cope with something difficult or
             can help relieve the burden of          followed his dream of being a        unpleasant successfully
             responsibilities.                photographer.                    With the therapy sessions,
                                                                               Kevin was able to get through
            collaborative (adj)              equate (v)                        his stress at work.
           involving two or more people          to consider one thing to be the
           working together for a special         same as or equal to another thing    hand down (phr v)
           purpose                            Let’s not equate success          to pass something from an older
             A collaborative approach            with wealth; there is more to it        person to a younger one
             encourages unity and             than money.                      Societies use tales to hand
             cooperation in a society.                                         down customs from generation
                                             evenly (adv)                      to generation.
            commitment (n)                  in a smooth, regular, or equal way
           willingness to give one’s time and        The teacher distributed the         impair (v)
           energy to something                sweets evenly among the         to damage something or make
             Strong relationships require           children.                 something worse
             shared respect and                                                A lack of education can impair
             commitment.                                                       the social development of a

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