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        11.   The tourism board designed an application for   16.   İlhan  Koman  is  ----  mere  recognition  as  a
            tourists  to  ----  the  guides’  speeches  in  their   sculptor; he has works in many locations ---- the
            own language.                                       world, including Anıtkabir.
            A) bring down                                       A) above / on
            B) take in                                          B) without / at
            C) reflect on                                       C) behind / over
            D) cut off                                          D) past / across
            E) refer to                                         E) from / throughout

        12.   Digitalising  ancient  documents  ----  physical   17.   Hobbies were once regarded ---- a waste of time,
            distances  and  makes  historical  resources        but this view changed ---- more regular working
            more accessible globally.                           hours and free time.

            A) takes away                                       A) up / around
            B) keeps on                                         B) as / with
            C) derives from                                     C) onto / via
            D) breaks down                                      D) by / on
            E) calls off                                        E) besides / to

        13.   The authorities ---- commercial filming requests   18.   The  World  Health  Organisation  offers  health
            in order to prevent any damage to the historical    resources  ----  countries  and  promotes
            site.                                               cooperation ---- health threats.
            A) broke out                                        A) into / about
            B) gave up                                          B) along / over
            C) turned down                                      C) among / on
            D) kept off                                         D) around / at
            E) took after                                       E) to / against

        14.   Sherlock  Holmes  is  unique  ----  fictional   19.   Attending the Troia Festival is ---- an observation
            detectives with his remarkable skills in solving    for tourists; they fully engage in the activities
            cases ---- observation and analysis.                ---- the event.

            A) between / along                                  A) beyond / within
            B) as / during                                      B) with / against
            C) across / with                                    C) about / off
            D) among / through                                  D) past / onto
            E) within / from                                    E) beneath / by

        15.   Plastic  pollution  ----  marine  life  endangers   20.   ---- the Industrial Age, societies used physical
            coastal tourism ---- reducing these destinations’   labour ---- the entire cultivation practice, from
            natural appeal.                                     planting to harvesting.
            A) of / by                                          A) During / against
            B) above / without                                  B) Alongside / off
            C) at / after                                       C) Before / throughout
            D) below / into                                     D) Beside / at
            E) on / up                                          E) After / over

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