Page 98 - Vo
P. 98
ENGLISH 1. All ecosystems are under ----, as they are 6. The actor had an ---- captivating performance
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exposed to more harmful ultraviolet light due
character’s emotions.
to the gradual loss of the ozone layer. and involved the audience entirely in the
A) strike A) invulnerably
B) detection B) intensely
C) threat C) offensively
D) resistance D) arbitrarily
E) construction E) insensitively
2. Building muscular ---- through resistance 7. The museum curator ---- arranged the pieces in
training reduces the risk of chronic diseases chronological order to offer tourists the region’s
and enhances metabolic health. historical evolution.
A) vulnerability A) mysteriously
B) contentment B) primarily
C) deficiency C) unremarkably
D) endurance D) imperfectly
E) medication E) deliberately
3. The ---- of agricultural practices accelerated 8. Historical archives ---- cultural preservation
the transition from nomadic lifestyles to settled and the discovery of history through first-hand
civilisations. documents.
A) exhibition A) challenge
B) spread B) classify
C) proximity C) promote
D) collapse D) vanish
E) replication E) encompass
4. Low rainfall and high temperatures are ---- 9. The comedy club ---- its performances to
factors for plants’ and animals’ growth and additional nights to meet the growing demand
sustainable metabolic cycles. among the local community.
A) inessential A) retrieved
B) effective B) negotiated
C) doubted C) compiled
D) impartial D) expanded
E) limiting E) jeopardised
5. Ancient civilisations’ dependence on oral 10. People struggle to ---- the true meaning behind
traditions was the ---- difficulty in transmitting abstract paintings, as artists intentionally leave
knowledge over generations. room for interpretation.
A) major A) flourish
B) exclusive B) identify
C) trivial C) diversify
D) impressive D) hamper
E) unexpected E) transmit