Page 104 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 104


          9.   ‘Misophonia’, a condition in which specific   13.   Contrary to early beliefs that language
            sounds like chewing or tapping ---- intense       acquisition is ---- innate, modern theories stress
            emotional responses, can severely affect an       the strong impact of environmental influences
            individual’s quality of life by causing significant   like language exposure and social interactions on
            distress and social isolation.                    linguistic skills.
            A) facilitate                                     A) coherently
            B) trigger                                        B) divisively
            C) surpass                                        C) scarcely
            D) relieve                                        D) solely
            E) imply                                          E) jointly

        10.   If customers ---- all their loans in advance, some   14.   Educational systems that prioritise inquiry-based
            banks offer them reduced interest rates or more   learning help students ---- critical thinking
            favourable loan terms to reward their prompt      skills, which are vital for challenging prevailing
            repayment and encourage continued business.       perspectives and developing analytical
            A) settle up
                                                              A) cultivate
            B) bring in
                                                              B) resolve
            C) hand down
            D) set back                                       C) curtail
            E) come into                                      D) allocate
                                                              E) neglect

        11.   Granite is highly durable and demonstrates   15.   Almost all of the calcium, which ---- 1 to 2 per
            remarkable ---- in harsh environmental            cent of adult human body weight, is stored
            conditions; that’s why it is often chosen for     in bones and teeth, where it is essential for
            building monuments and structures intended to     major physiological functions, including nerve
            last for centuries.                               transmission.

            A) integration                                    A) adheres to
            B) endurance                                      B) brings about
            C) alteration                                     C) backs down
            D) component                                      D) rushes into
            E) inferiority                                    E) accounts for

        12.   In scientific research, an ---- approach    16.   Atatürk’s Address to the Youth highlights the
            to problems can lead to groundbreaking            need for the younger generation to defend their
            discoveries, as new perspectives often reveal     nation’s sovereignty ---- any possible threats,
            insights that traditional methods might overlook.  ---- a commitment to preserve their country’s core
            A) irresistible
                                                              A) about / beyond
            B) unconventional
            C) immeasurable                                   B) against / with
            D) indispensable                                  C) from / beneath
                                                              D) through / off
            E) unresolved
                                                              E) into / along

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