Page 100 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 100


          9.   The adoption of the Gregorian calendar by most   13.   A diet high in sugar and low in essential nutrients
            countries has ---- international coordination     can ---- affect development in early childhood, as
            and record-keeping, for it has standardised the   these poor nutritional choices may hinder both
            measurement of time across diverse regions.       physical growth and cognitive function.
            A) implied                                        A) abusively
            B) detected                                       B) recklessly
            C) facilitated                                    C) adversely
            D) deteriorated                                   D) formally
            E) incorporated                                   E) similarly

        10.   ---- well-reasoned arguments that can offer new   14.   It could be challenging to ---- a virus from
            perspectives and shed light on complex issues     a bacterium since they both cause similar
            is essential for contributing meaningfully to     symptoms, yet they have distinct biological
            academic discussions and debates.                 structures and require separate treatment
            A) Sending out
            B) Rushing into                                   A) derive
            C) Disposing of                                   B) differentiate
                                                              C) inherit
            D) Settling up
                                                              D) withdraw
            E) Putting forward
                                                              E) contradict

        11.   Multitasking demands not only the ---- of   15.   In ancient Rome, officials would usually ---- from
            potential distractions but also the implementation   their positions after serving a fixed period of time
            of strategic techniques to maintain task          to ensure the balance of power and prevent any
            performance and achieve desired outcomes.         one leader from gaining too much control.
            A) mitigation                                     A) step down
            B) competence                                     B) take in

            C) integration                                    C) phase out
            D) disapproval                                    D) throw off
            E) establishment                                  E) get into

        12.   Unlike traditional farming methods that depend   16.   According to recent studies, ---- giving
            heavily on non-renewable resources, ----          employees the chance to nap during the workday,
            practices aim to promote improved soil health     companies can increase productivity and overall
            by minimising negative impacts on natural         job satisfaction ---- their workforce.
                                                              A) for / along
            A) detrimental                                    B) of / following
            B) sustainable                                    C) on / underneath
            C) preliminary                                    D) by / throughout
            D) refutable                                      E) after /  towards
            E) superfluous

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