Page 95 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 95
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Reptiles are unable to adjust their body temperature 5. Implementing strict environmental regulations
internally, which is why it is a fundamental ---- for in industrial practices ---- decreased emissions
their survival to regulate it through behaviours of harmful pollutants, after which considerable
such as basking in the sun or seeking shade. improvements in air quality can be observed.
A) constraint A) passes for
B) inheritance B) settles up
C) necessity C) puts forward
D) superiority D) backs down
E) instinct E) brings about
2. Sumerian tablets are such ---- resources for 6. Digital thermometers are widely regarded
studying ancient Mesopotamian civilisations as more reliable than their conventional
that their absence would significantly limit our counterparts, mainly due to their ability to
knowledge of early administrative and legal provide accurate results with minimal ---- from
systems. external factors.
A) disqualified A) interference
B) selective B) accusation
C) irreversible C) alliance
D) vigorous D) corruption
E) invaluable E) recognition
3. Prior to the Industrial Revolution, economic 7. ---- learning materials incorporated into digital
practices in Europe were ---- agricultural, which in education platforms reinforce active learning by
turn led to a dependence on seasonal crops and enabling users to engage with content in a more
frequent food shortages during poor harvests. dynamic and participatory manner.
A) superficially A) Disposable
B) predominantly B) Fragile
C) consecutively C) Interactive
D) arbitrarily D) Obsolete
E) promisingly E) Sustainable
4. In some parts of the world, social relations are 8. Empathy is often ---- developed in environments
---- by rigid traditions, which makes it difficult for where emotional intelligence is not actively
individuals to pursue relationships outside of nurtured, which gives rise to reduced
these societal expectations. understanding and responsiveness to others’
emotional states.
A) eradicated
A) unconsciously
B) speculated
C) magnified B) inadequately
D) constrained C) notably
E) concealed D) irrationally
E) utterly