Page 90 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 90


          9.   Due to their high risk or legal restrictions, some   13.   Global warming differs from climate change in
            extreme sports, such as wingsuit flying and cave   that it is ---- related to the increase in the Earth’s
            diving, may require special permission in certain   average surface temperature because of large
            locations; otherwise, regulations can ---- one’s   amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
            participation.                                    gases in the atmosphere.
            A) derive                                         A) overtly
            B) hinder                                         B) preciously
            C) appoint                                        C) deniably
            D) conceal                                        D) coherently
            E) attribute                                      E) specifically

        10.   Cultural heritage encompasses various aspects   14.   Recent robotics experiments have revealed that
            of life, including art, cuisine, and social practices   autonomous machines may ---- basic abilities
            that provide insight into the past, values, and   such as traversing simple environments, copying
            traditions ---- through generations.              hand movements, and responding to certain
                                                              verbal commands.
            A) urged on
            B) passed into                                    A) attain
                                                              B) convey
            C) handed down
                                                              C) deteriorate
            D) looked over
            E) phased out                                     D) modify
                                                              E) induce

        11.   The construction of the Eiffel Tower for the 1889   15.   Cryptozoology, a pseudoscience studying
            World’s Fair in Paris sparked numerous ----, with   animals whose existence is not yet proven
            some arguing that it did not harmonise with the   by mainstream science, does not follow the
            historical and aesthetic character of the city.   scientific method; therefore, the field is generally
                                                              ---- with scepticism.
            A) refinements
                                                              A) resulted in
            B) settlements
                                                              B) sent out
            C) compliments
                                                              C) likened to
            D) predispositions
                                                              D) settled up
            E) controversies
                                                              E) looked upon

        12.   Debates about robots frequently revolve around   16.   ---- improvements in machine learning
            several key concerns, the most ---- of which are   algorithms, many artificial intelligence-generated
            their role in society and potential implications for   images, videos, and audios have become so
            jobs, ethics, safety, and human relationships.    realistic that they are often indistinguishable ----
                                                              human-created content.
            A) prominent
                                                              A) By / of
            B) disposable
                                                              B) For / between
            C) equivalent
                                                              C) With / from
            D) inaccessible
                                                              D) Over / to
            E) arbitrary
                                                              E) Upon / about

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