Page 88 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 88


          9.   Recent studies have ---- some fresh evidence   13.   Developed over the past decade, theoretical
            about the effectiveness of a new drug, and        models have  ----  altered our knowledge of
            researchers are optimistic that it could become a   quantum mechanics, as they provide
            pivotal treatment option for managing             unprecedented perspectives on the behaviour
            difficult-to-treat conditions.                    of subatomic particles.
            A) revolutionised                                 A) conventionally
            B) revealed                                       B) deficiently
            C) articulated                                    C) arbitrarily
            D) comprised                                      D) fundamentally
            E) revived                                        E) intuitively

        10.   Thanks to a newly developed sonar technology   14.   By ---- vertical gardens into cityscapes, city
            that can ---- sound waves with unparalleled       planners can achieve great environmental
            precision, researchers can now map underwater     benefits, given that these installations reduce
            terrains with remarkable clarity and detail.      buildings’ energy usage and create green spaces.
            A) run over                                       A) eradicating
            B) keep up                                        B) incorporating
            C) step down                                      C) curtailing
            D) pass into                                      D) detecting

            E) send out                                       E) triggering

        11.   Mustafa Kemal Atatürk’s vision for          15.   The advent of advanced streaming technologies,
            modernisation, a rare ---- among leaders of his   which has ---- a transformation in audience
            time, transformed Türkiye into an industrialised   engagement, has considerably increased the
            nation and laid the foundation for its current    visibility and reach of e-sports.
            political and social structures.
                                                              A) brought about
            A) attribute
                                                              B) derived from
            B) proximity
                                                              C) drawn up
            C) outcome                                        D) passed for
            D) triumph                                        E) set back
            E) equation

        12.   While many find the constant noise and      16.   Discovering numerous ancient viruses ----
            fast-moving crowds energising, the ---- pace      melting Himalayan ice offers valuable insights
            of city life can still be overwhelming and leave   into microbial history, but these viruses also
            some longing for the tranquillity that rural      raise concerns ---- whether they could endanger
            environments provide.                             modern ecosystems.
            A) stable                                         A) below / off
            B) intentional                                    B) around / from
            C) endurable                                      C) beneath / over
            D) vague                                          D) across / by
            E) hectic                                         E) above / via

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