Page 83 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 83
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. In martial arts, the ---- of techniques and 5. Children who have too much freedom can
principles is essential for practitioners to sometimes ---- mischief, and they might test
understand the movements correctly, avoid boundaries through engaging in forbidden
injuries, and apply the discipline’s philosophies activities or doing things they are not supposed
properly. to do.
A) drawback A) get up to
B) clarification B) do away with
C) inheritance C) hold out on
D) capability D) come out of
E) diagnosis E) make up for
2. Digital transformation provides ---- opportunities 6. Effective mediation efforts in conflicts must
for organisations to boost their efficiency and be undertaken so that opposing people can
customer experience by integrating advanced find common ---- and resolve their differences,
digital tools and redefining traditional processes. contributing to more stable and amicable
A) obsolete
A) disturbance
B) futile
B) contradiction
C) devastating
C) ground
D) empirical
D) disapproval
E) distinct
E) validity
3. Graphic novels tell stories through ---- illustrated 7. In a tough economic environment, many
panels which combine detailed artwork with individuals seek a ---- income to improve their
narrative elements to create a unique experience financial stability, as this additional revenue
that engages readers both visually and stream may provide protection against economic
emotionally. fluctuations.
A) recklessly A) disposable
B) fatally B) supplementary
C) superficially C) variable
D) innately D) restricted
E) elaborately E) primary
4. Mesopotamian civilisations, which ---- the region 8. The ancient ruins discovered in the Sahara
between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, are Desert, which are ---- the remains of a
known for their remarkable advancements in once-thriving society, might have vanished
writing, architecture, and law. due to a mysterious and catastrophic event,
according to historians.
A) provoked
A) impartially
B) neglected
B) relatively
C) inhabited
C) explicitly
D) induced
D) irrationally
E) circulated
E) allegedly