Page 82 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 82


          9.   During periods of imperial transition, new rulers   13.   Romeyka, a Greek dialect that is spoken by a
            often ---- not only the wealth and territories    small population in remote mountain villages of
            of their predecessors but also the challenges     northern Türkiye, is on the brink of extinction, ----
            and unresolved conflicts that can impact their    because of the fact that it has no written forms.
            empire’s stability.
                                                              A) amusingly
            A) confront
                                                              B) questionably
            B) nourish                                        C) decisively
            C) sustain                                        D) predominantly
            D) inherit
                                                              E) compulsorily
            E) compile

        10.   Organisers often ---- certain areas to public   14.   Atatürk’s reforms aimed to ---- the cultural, social,
            access, restricting entry to only authorised      and administrative structures of the country
            personnel to ensure the safety and smooth         by introducing extensive changes that were
            operation of large-scale events and minimise      welcomed by the majority of the nation.
            potential risks.
                                                              A) revolutionise
            A) hand down
                                                              B) validate
            B) draw on
                                                              C) transmit
            C) close off
                                                              D) differentiate
            D) come over
                                                              E) accumulate
            E) rule out

        11.   Effective resource management for a charity   15.   Some critics are eager to ---- a film upon its
            requires meticulous financial ----, which         release, highlighting deficiencies in the plot and
            confirms that every initiative and project has the   poor character development, which decreases
            support necessary to accomplish its objectives    its overall appeal and potential influence on the
            successfully.                                     audience.

            A) allocation                                     A) tear apart
            B) conversion                                     B) back down
            C) deception                                      C) deal with
            D) imitation                                      D) put forward
            E) aspiration                                     E) come across

        12.   The excessive use of social media platforms   16.   Successful leadership demands open and
            has become so ---- that it now has the ability to   concise communication ---- all levels of an
            change public opinions, shape trends, and have    organisation to be sure that goals are clearly
            influences on personal relationships worldwide.   conveyed ---- senior managers and early-career
            A) deniable
                                                              A) across / among
            B) pervasive
                                                              B) throughout / between
            C) compelling
                                                              C) along / beside
            D) intuitive
                                                              D) around / behind
            E) confidential
                                                              E) through / within

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