Page 86 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 86
9. The lack of rigorous and standardised regulation 13. In their pursuit of justice, human rights activists
to prevent fake news and misinformation content ---- fight for the rights of the disadvantaged, and
on social media platforms makes it difficult for they never stop working to draw attention to the
individuals to accurately ---- what is true or false. issues of inequality and injustice all over the
A) curtail
A) fatally
B) discern
C) outweigh B) ironically
D) acknowledge C) deniably
D) selfishly
E) collaborate
E) ardently
10. The Antarctic ozone hole has been gradually 14. Many people who are interested in
healing over the past few decades, thanks to the self-development believe that they can ----
world leaders who agreed in the 1980s to ---- the significant progress towards their objectives
use of harmful ozone-depleting chemicals. and see great improvements in their lives by
focusing on positive thoughts.
A) come through
B) phase out A) constrain
C) clean up B) appoint
D) turn to C) excavate
E) rest on D) manifest
E) provoke
11. Without human ----, some natural factors, 15. When we see certain meals or beverages in
including solar energy output, the Earth’s orbital specific containers, our brain begins to create
oscillations, the ocean’s cooling and warming expectations about how they will taste, smell, and
cycles, and volcanic eruptions cause the climate feel, so using a different container may ---- the
to change. overall experience.
A) validation A) come across
B) rebellion B) throw off
C) convention C) settle up
D) interference D) take in
E) distraction E) hand over
12. In today’s digital world, smartphones are the 16. Position your bed so that it is not ---- the
preferred devices for everything from banking electronic devices in the room to improve your
to online search, playing games, and shopping; sleep quality, as the blue light emitted ---- screens
in other words, they have turned into ---- tools of can disturb your sleep pattern and lead to
everyday life. increased fatigue.
A) inconvenient A) past / from
B) unreasonable B) behind / over
C) indispensable C) beside / by
D) immeasurable D) within / out of
E) unsophisticated E) onto / through