Page 42 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 42


          9.   Preserving natural resources is the main goal of   13.   Hosting international events ---- contributes to
            sustainable agriculture, which ---- the production   spreading traditional cultural values, promoting
            of healthy foods without damaging the land and    job opportunities, investment in infrastructure,
            destroying the soil.                              and tourism growth.

            A) ensures                                        A) initially
            B) abuses                                         B) roughly
            C) wanders                                        C) suspiciously
            D) endures                                        D) significantly
            E) ignores                                        E) readily

        10.   As technology develops, remote work has     14.   As part of conservation efforts to lower
            transformed the traditional workplace, and many   biodiversity loss, countries might create
            people are ---- different ways of doing their tasks   protected area networks that ---- shark fishing,
            from anywhere.                                    concentrating on important locations where
                                                              sharks can roam.
            A) bringing upon
                                                              A) release
            B) making out
            C) looking into                                   B) distract
            D) giving up                                      C) forbid
                                                              D) qualify
            E) reflecting on
                                                              E) extract

        11.   The ---- of time management on success is   15.   In a world faced with scarcity of non-renewable
            beyond question because it helps people to use    sources, it is predicted that resources such as
            time efficiently and develop work standards by    oil, coal, natural gas, soil, and phosphorus will
            setting deadlines.                                ---- in the future.

            A) incident                                       A) hold on
            B) influence                                      B) look ahead
            C) appeal                                         C) run out
            D) delusion                                       D) make up
            E) alleviation                                    E) call off

        12.   Each participant’s unique idea is ---- for   16.   In order to impact consumer choices in various
            maintaining a project effectively, as it is one of   contexts, smart marketers often use distinction
            the essential parts of being successful in project   bias to trick us ---- paying more ---- products we
            management.                                       do not need.
            A) trivial                                        A) of / to
            B) crucial                                        B) about / with
            C) definite                                       C) through / on
            D) entitled                                       D) into / for
            E) massive                                        E) upon / in

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