Page 43 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 43
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Wearable technology in emergency response 5. Migratory birds primarily navigate by ---- the
systems has greatly improved field operations’ Earth’s magnetic field and the position of the Sun
---- by offering real-time tracking of location and to guide their long journeys between breeding
vital signs. and wintering grounds.
A) jeopardy A) relying on
B) alleviation B) getting into
C) priority C) referring to
D) efficiency D) keeping off
E) distinction E) setting out
2. Despite their ---- production settings, from rural 6. The ---- in the population of monarch butterflies
homes to renowned workshops, Anatolian rugs has been linked to habitat loss and climate
show consistency in their use of natural dyes and change, with their numbers dropping by over 80%
knotting methods. in North America.
A) identical A) pattern
B) diverse B) dimension
C) limiting C) decline
D) accessible D) growth
E) dependent E) distortion
3. Surgeons ---- prepare for major operations by 7. Creating engaging content on social media has
reviewing the patient’s medical history and proven to be a highly ---- strategy for brands
conducting detailed imaging studies to achieve aiming to build strong customer relationships
optimal results. and increase sales.
A) controversially A) ultimate
B) promptly B) profitable
C) casually C) demanding
D) thoroughly D) invisible
E) separately E) precise
4. The rising human-caused noise pollution in the 8. The impact of snoring on sleep quality can vary
oceans ---- the natural acoustic environment and ---- across different age groups; the elderly often
prevents effective communication among marine have more severe problems due to age-related
organisms. physiological changes.
A) identifies A) considerably
B) postpones B) equally
C) stimulates C) deliberately
D) abandons D) ideally
E) disrupts E) slightly