Page 27 - English 9 | Summer School Book
P. 27

Let's Write

          3  Complete the body paragraph of the essay below. Consider the given words about main
            problems in friendships and create your own solutions to them.

                   Friendship can generally be defined as a mutual relationship between two or more people who are
               sincerely attached to each other. There are no certain criteria for being friends. Language, religion, position,
               gender, and age differences do not matter when it comes to friendship. What is important here is to be just   THEME-2

               like-minded, to appreciate your friends’ existence, to support each other when necessary, and to be sincere
               and honest. You may not always get on well with your friends. You can have ups and downs from time to
               time, and this is the very nature of friendship. However, it is important to know how to deal with those

                   In today’s friendships, there are three main problems between friends to be solved. Firstly, ....................




                   All in all, manipulation, jealousy, and inconsistency are the problems that friends suffer from the most.
               However, they can be eliminated with a simple touch: express how you feel to your friend if you think you
               are being used by him or her, make your friend feel special by doing the things he or she likes if he or she is
               jealous of your friends at work, at school etc.; and finally, find a way to get in contact with your friend even

               if he or she can’t call or meet you.

              * manipulation: If your friend uses or controls you for his or her own benefit and forces you to act in the way he or she wants,

               disregarding your opinions or needs, it is called manipulation.
              * jealousy: If your friend feels angry or bitter as he or she thinks another person tries to take you away from him or her, it is called
              * inconsistency: If your friend calls or meets you regularly for some period and then disappears for a long time without any

               explanations and does so from time to time in your friendship, it's called inconsistency.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    27 ENGLISH A2 - A2+
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