Page 62 - English 9 | Summer School Book
P. 62

Let's Answer

          3  Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in parentheses.

               E.g.  It’s a pity I forgot about your birthday. (wish).   I   wish I hadn’t forgotten about your birthday.

            1.  Sara wants to join a gym, but she hasn’t got enough time.   3.  I regret telling Mary my address. (wish)
              (wishes)                                          I __________________________________________ Mary my address.
              Sara __________________________________________ enough time to join a   4. Why don’t you try to pay more attention in class? (would)
              gym.                                              I __________________________________________ to pay more attention in

            2.  He didn’t wear his helmet and got injured. (had)  class.
              If he __________________________________________, he wouldn’t have   5. I don’t think it’s a good idea to take the car. (were)

              got injured.                                      If __________________________________________, I wouldn’t take the car.

    Let's Write

          5  Write a response for each statement.

                 1.  I didn’t pay attention to what                      E.g.   I was very selfish when I was
                   I ate as a kid.                                             younger.

                                                                             E. g. I wish I hadn’t been so
                                                                             selfish. I should have been more
                                                                              generous when I was younger.
                                                                              If I had been more generous in
                                                                              my youth, I would have more
                                                                               friends now.

           2. I never read very often before   3. I didn’t make a lot of friends   4. I argued a lot with my parents
              I went to university.              when I was in high school.          when I was a teenager.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    62 ENGLISH A2 - A2+
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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