Page 63 - English 9 | Summer School Book
P. 63

Let's Match

           3   Read the situations below, and match the statements with the appropriate expressions of regrets.

              1   You haven't visited your grandmother for a long time. She didn't return
                  your calls because you forgot to celebrate her birthday last week. You took
                  your sister to her home with a bouquet and a present. Express your regret.

              2    You  met  your  friends  at  an  expensive  restaurant  to  have  dinner.  You

                   realised you left your wallet at home when you wanted the check. Talk to
                   your friends and express your apology.

              3    Your friends are throwing a party at the weekend, and you want to attend
                   so badly. Thus, you lied to your parents and said that you would study for
                   the exam with your friends at the weekend. However, your parents found
                   out the truth, so you feel ashamed and want to apologise.

                   You told one of your friends a secret and learned that s/he shared it with
                   your classmates. You feel edgy and want to express your regret.

                   You were ill and couldn't attend the lessons for a while. When you go to
                   school, you learn you have a critical exam. You express your wishes.                              THEME-5

                   You borrowed your father's watch and lost it. Your father is nervous because
                   it was a gift from your grandparents. Apologise for your recklessness.

                     I wish I had known that before. I didn't know there would be an exam today. lf only I studied and
                     passed the exam.
                     I shouldn't have lied to you. If only I hadn't made that up. I'm terribly sorry; I won't go there and will
                     never do this again.

                     I wish we could spend more time with you, but we were in a rush. You are the most precious person in
                     our lives. We are truly sorry, please forgive us. I promise we'll visit often.

                D    I'm truly sorry dad, if only I hadn't taken your watch. I wish I hadn't lost it.

                     Excuse me for my carelessness. I wish I had checked my bag before I went out. Next time, the check
                     will be on me.
                     I shouldn't have talked about my personal life with anybody. It was my bad to trust everyone. I am
                     almost at my wit's end trying to deal with this chaos.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    63 ENGLISH A2 - A2+
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68