Page 74 - English 9 | Summer School Book
P. 74

Let's Speak

          1   Work in pairs. Look at the photos below and discuss the human rights violated.

              1                              2                               3

          2 Work with your partner. Discuss the problems and write suggestions to improve the practices
            of rights.

              Children’s Rights

              Gender Equality

              Animal Rights

              Rights of Disabled People

          3 Discuss with your friends the good human rights practices in the photos justifying your ideas.

           1                               2                               3

          4 Work in pairs. Talk about the good examples of human rights practices in your country or
            the world expressing your ideas.

          5 Discuss the following questions with your partner explaining your reasons.

              1   Do you think every human being deserves human rights protection equally?
              2  How would the world be if all human rights were respected?
              3  What type of human rights practices in the world should be improved?

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    74 ENGLISH A2 - A2+
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
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