Page 81 - English 9 | Summer School Book
P. 81

Let's Speak

         6  Look at the pictures of environmental problems and discuss their causes and solutions.

               a                      b                     c                      d

                     acid rain          global warming         water pollution            smog

         7  Complete the table with what you know about the following energy sources. Then, share
            your ideas with the class.

                  Energy source               Advantages                       Disadvantages

              Nuclear power
              Tidal power

              Solar power
              Fossil fuels

          8 Choose the two most important qualities of a good friend from the following. Then,
            with your partner about your choices stating your reasons.

                 A good friend should have…                 great patience with me.
                                                            the same hobbies and interests as me.
                                                            good social skills.

                                                            loyalty and supportiveness.
                                                            a great sense of humor.                                  THEME-6

                                                            the same musical taste as me.

          9 Discuss with your classmates whether you agree or disagree with the following
            statements stating reasons.
                                                                                       Agree   Disagree

             1.  Close friends look alike.
             2.  True friends will never hesitate to help you when you need their support.
             3.  Friends agree with each other all the time.
             4.  Your best friend is your role model.
             5.  A friend is someone who knows all about you.
             6.  Friends understand each other without words.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    81 ENGLISH A2 - A2+
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86