Page 84 - English 9 | Summer School Book
P. 84


        Rey’s Characteristics This is a photo of Daisy Ridley. She’s a British actress. She is the main character of Star Wars - The
        Force Awakens. Star Wars - The Force Awakens is a 2015 American space film.
        Her costume is beige pants and a sleeveless, collarless, beige shirt and a belt with pouch. There are beige boots on her
        feet, too. In the movie, Daisy Ridley plays Rey Skywalker. She’s a headstrong, friendly, and good character. She‘s also a

        brave, and gorgeous survivor. She is able to keep her humanity although she is in difficult and dangerous situations.
        Rey has always stayed loyal to her old friends. The message of the film is ‘The greatest reward of life is friendship’
        and ‘power of friendship’.

        THEME 4 JOIN US

        (At home)
        Mr. Mill: We haven’t talked about our holiday this year yet.

        Mrs. Mill: Yes. We should start planning. What type? Where?
        Mr. Mill: Well, I haven’t thought about it. Have you?
        Mrs. Mill: Neither have I. How about going to a travel agency and seeing what they offer.
        Mr. Mill: It sounds good.

        ( At the travel agent’s)
        Mr. and Mrs. Mill: Hi! We are Mr. and Mrs. Mill and we want to plan a ten-day holiday.
        Travel agent: Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Mill. What type of holiday are you planning?
        Mrs. Mill: We both like sun, sea, and swimming. We want a beach holiday. And some sightseeing as well.

        Travel agent: I suggest that you go to Turkey if you haven’t been there. It is a perfect place for you.
        Mr. Mill: No, we haven’t. How long does the flight take from here to Turkey?
        Travel agent: A bit long, about 13 hours - direct flight- but it is worth it.
        Mr. Mill: Sure. I have heard of it before. And the accommodation?

        Travel agent: There are hotels, holiday resorts, and all the other ways of accommodation. Here are some brochures
        about Turkey.
        Mr. Mill: OK. We will have a look and then get in touch with you again.

        In today’s podcast, we will discuss why we need technology. Technology has been a debated topic for long. Few pe-
        ople think that technology is more harmful than its being useful. I believe we need technology due to many things.
        Today I am going to introduce you some people in my life so that you will understand how they use technology and

        why they need them. I have a friend whose name is Sandra. Sandra needs her hearing aid all the time as she has
        hearing impairment. She can go on her education and life with the help of her hearing aid. There are a lot of devices
        invented for people with disabilities. This technology is called “assistive technology”. These items increase the fun-
        ctional capacities of these people. Stephen Hawking, for example, can give lectures to students by typing his words

        to a keyboard because he cannot move or speak. I have a classmate called Laura. Since she is physically disabled, she
        can go on her education with the help of her wheel chair. Technology is not just necessary for people who have disa-
        bilities. We all need technology. Let's look at the life of my family as an example.

                                            ORTAÖĞRETİM    84 ENGLISH A2 - A2+
                                        GENEL MÜDÜRLÜĞÜ
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89