Page 180 - Grammar For YDT - 11
P. 180


    ENGLISH    “So … that” yapısında “so” cümle başında da kullanılabilir ama bu durumda cümle devrik olarak kurulur.

             So eagerly did the kids wait for the concert that they arrived hours early.
             So challenging was the test that many students struggled to pass.

             So hot a summer day was it that we had to stay indoors to escape the heat.
        Such … that
        “Such ... that” yapısı “so ... that” yapısı gibi sebep-sonuç ifade eder ve aynı anlamı verir. “Such … that” yapısında sıfat
        tamlaması kullanılır. Aşağıdaki gibi farklı kullanımları mevcuttur:

        such + a / an + adjective + singular noun + that
        such + adjective + plural noun + that
        such + adjective + uncountable noun + that
             It was such a nice day that we decided to take a walk by the lake.
             The restaurant served such delicious pizzas that we ordered three more.
             The coffee was brewed with such great care that it had a richly aromatic flavour.
        such + a / an + singular countable noun + that
        such + plural countable noun + that
             The young singer had such a voice that it left the audience in awe.
             The team showed such skills that they won the championship.
        such + a lot of / a few / a little + noun + that
             The rainfall brought in such a lot of water that it caused flooding in several areas.
             The library had such a lot of books that it took me hours to find the one I needed.
        be + such that
             The demand for renewable energy is such that governments and industries are investing heavily in its development.
             The advancements in technology are such that they have revolutionised the way we communicate with each other.

        4. Different Structures in Comparison
        Karşılaştırma yapılırken sıfatların “comparative” halleri dışında kullanılan birçok karşılaştırma yapısı mevcuttur.

        as + adjective / adverb + as                                                             Video 9.4
            “as … as” yapısı iki kişi ya da nesne arasında eşitlik olduğu durumlarda kullanılır. Bu yapı olumlu, olumsuz
           ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılabilir. Eşitlik söz konusu değilse “not as … as” yapısı kullanılır. Araya sıfat ya da
           zarf gelebilir.
             The invention of the printing press in the 15  century was as transformative as it was influential.
             The agility of cats is as impressive as it is essential for their survival since it enables them to climb trees and leap
            across tall distances.
            “as … as” yapısı her zaman karşılaştırma yapmak için kullanılmayabilir.
             When crossing the slippery bridge, walk as cautiously as you can to avoid any potential accidents.
             Please respond to my email as soon as possible so we can proceed with the next steps.
            “as … as” yapısını miktar belirleyiciler “many”, “much”, “few” ve “little” ile kullanabiliriz. Bu durumda bu
           kelimelerden sonra isim kullanılır.

        as + many / much / few / little + noun + as
             Hannah bought as many books as she could fit into her shopping cart at the bookstore sale.
             Henry completed the assignment with as few errors as possible, thanks to his flatmate.
             We should consume as little sugar as possible to maintain a healthy diet.

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