Page 235 - Grammar For YDT - 12
P. 235
Exercises - Noun Clauses
3. Non-governmental organisations have been trying hard to increase the amount of recycling in the world. Awareness
about recycling has not yet been achieved at the desired level. (use one of “-ever” words)
4. No matter what it requires to build new recyclable cities, the authorities are determined to do this work with the
influential town planners. (use one of “-ever” words)
5. Officials were debating whether they could utilise communal heat pumps effectively to heat both tall buildings in
metropolitan cities and hard-to-heat houses in the countryside. (reduce the noun clause)
6. Some young workers pursue multiple jobs and sources of income, no matter where they live in the world. (use one
of “-ever” words)
E) Complete the sentences with “what” and “how” (exclamations).
1. ______________________ a difficult task for the new manager to solve in a very short time!
2. ______________________ diligently the scientists work on the new species which was found at the end of a tiring period!
3. ______________________ terrible days humanity has been experiencing in the last two decades all around the world!
4. ______________________ generosity the new landlord showed to his tenants by allowing them to stay one more
month without paying any money!
5. ______________________ successful the students became after listening to their teachers’ advice on studying
6. ______________________ nice weather it was for the children who had been inside for a long time!
F) Complete the sentences using the words in bold.
1. “I am sorry I interrupted your speech,” the manager said to the new member. FOR
The manager _____________________________________________________ his speech.
2. “Do not forget to call us as soon as you finish your report on commonly misused antibiotics,” the doctor said to the
assistant doctor. REMINDED
The doctor _____________________________________________________ on commonly misused antibiotics.
3. “I am the one to blame for losing three matches in a row due to my wrong player selection,” the manager said to the
The manager _____________________________________________________ wrong player selection.
4. “You sold all our confidential files to our rival companies,” the company owner said to the worker. ACCUSED
The company owner _____________________________________________________companies.
5. It is an obligation that passengers should wear a helmet and a life jacket during rafting activity. OBLIGED
The passengers _____________________________________________________ during rafting activity.
6. The doctor recommended that my father should take these pills daily for two months. TAKEN
The doctor _____________________________________________________ by my father for two months.