Page 235 - 12 YDT
P. 235

Exercises - Noun Clauses

        A) Underline the correct alternative.

          1. The fact that / What / Whether the Mongol empire had sophisticated technology and a vast army of nomadic soldiers
            was the main reason for its expansion in much of Eurasia from 1206 to 1368.

          2. It is obvious the fact that / that / where humans have more developed brains than animals do, and this is often
            regarded as one of our benefits.

          3. Many people are of the opinion if / when / that the equinox is the start of spring, but meteorologists claim that it
            actually begins on March 1.

          4. Which / What / How makes wetlands essential for life on Earth is that they play a significant role in supplying habitat
            for species and protecting humans from pollution and flooding.

          5. Although dimples are often thought of as a dominant hereditary characteristic, little study has been done to explore
            their genetics, and it is not known whether / which / how many gene or genes could be responsible.

          6. In Uzbekistan, there has been a heated controversy about the fact that / which / whether restoration in Samarkand,
            the famous Silk Road city, retains or eradicates history.

        B) Fill in the blanks with the correct words given in the box. One word is extra.

                    when         whether         that          who             if           why

                     how        the fact that   where        how much        what

          1. A research group from the Department of Clinical Psychology and Health is investigating ________ certain people
            are more susceptible to stimuli and _______ social and genetic variables may affect this in a study on high sensitivity.

          2. It is still unclear _______ European marginal grasslands have built up a high level of resilience over the course of their
            history between humans and ecosystems, or _______ they are sensitive to current environmental and socioeconomic

          3. Most new learners do not know _______ to use ‘a,’ ‘an,’ and ‘the’ in English, but if one wants to improve his/her
            speaking or writing, it is critical to utilise them correctly in phrases.

          4. _______ the Nile offered quick access to all the comforts a river could provide, including drinking water, a place to
            wash, and a place to work, resulted in the majority of the cities in Ancient Egypt being constructed near the river.

          5. Many people claim _______ they have much more energy when they drink coffee in the morning instead of having

          6. _______ every young athlete taking their sport seriously wants is to take home a gold medal, at the very least,
            compete in the Olympics. However, for most of them, this goal remains merely a dream.

          7. Developing a successful home design requires that the client’s and designer’s ideas overlap and _______ money can
            be spent be calculated at the very beginning.

          8. Consumers prioritise pricing when determining _______ to buy groceries, according to a recent survey with more than
            80% of participants actively seeking methods to cut costs.

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