Page 240 - 12 YDT
P. 240

Noun Clauses - Test 1

         Verilen  sorularda  boş  bırakılan  yerlere  uygun   5.  Some  cosmologists  speculate  that  ----  dark  energy
         düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                   is,  it  will  cause  our  cosmic  horizon  to  shrink  so
                                                              drastically that humans will only be able to view a
                                                              few galaxies in our sky 50 or 100 billion years from
        1.  The question of ---- nature employs the mathematical   now.
           formula to produce various shapes is ---- scientists
           are eager to find an answer to.                    A)  whoever
           A)  that / which                                   B)  whichever
           B)  how / when                                     C)  whomever

           C)  whether / what                                 D)  whenever
           D)  who / whose                                    E)  whatever
           E)  whom / if

        2.  Search  has  shown  ----  elephants  have  distinctive   6.  Many people are of the opinion that they should be
           cries allowing individuals to distinguish one another   able to know ---- to buy safe foods and ---- to order in
           and ---- away they are.                            restaurants and to avoid.
           A)  the fact that / how long                       A)  when / who
           B)  which / why                                    B)  why / where

           C)  whether / how many                             C)  how / what
           D)  that / how far                                 D)  which / whether
           E)  what / where                                                      E)  whose / whom

        3.  ---- ringtones will ultimately save the music industry   7.  No  country,  ----  wealthy  or  seemingly  safe,  can  be
           remains an open question that needs to be answered   guaranteed a prosperous and peaceful future as long
           by experts.                                        as it is still sitting on the world’s numerous resources.
           A)  Whether                                        A)  however
           B)  That                                           B)  whomever
           C)  What                                           C)  whatever
           D)  Whose                                          D)  whichever

           E)  How many                                                        E)  wherever

        4.  According  to  scientists,  our  current  understanding   8.  It has been more than 30 years since Richard first set
           of quantum gravity is insufficient to make predictions   foot on the sandy beach of ---- is now Zimbabwe’s
           about  ----  it  will  change  the  way  we  perceive  the   National Park.
                                                              A)  which
           A)  how
                                                              B)  that
           B)  what
                                                              C)  what
           C)  whom
                                                              D)  where
           D)  if
                                                              E)  whose
           E)  that
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