Page 66 - 12 YDT
P. 66

Tenses - Test - 4

          Verilen  sorularda  boş  bırakılan  yerlere  uygun   5. As the Internet ---- commoner, and the speed of access
          düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                 to  other  machines  ----  across  our  telephone  lines,  it
                                                             might be possible to do away with local storage systems
        2022 YDT                                             altogether.
        1. The  Louvre  Museum  in  Paris,  which  ----  in  1793  to   A)  was becoming / is increasing
          display  the  royal  art  collection,  ----  throughout  the
          years  as  subsequent  rulers  increased  the  size  of  the   B)  becomes / increases
          collection.                                          C)  has become / will increase
            A)  had been founded / had been growing            D)  became / was increasing
            B)  has been founded / is growing                  E)  had become / increased
            C)  was being founded / grew
            D)  is founded / will grow
            E)  was founded / has grown

        2020 YDT
        2. In the 19-mile exclusion zone surrounding the Chernobyl   6. The collections of the Department of Ethnography ----
          power  plant  in  Ukraine,  which  ----  following  the  1986   thousands of artefacts of the past, about half of which
          reactor meltdown, plants and animals ---- now in ways   ---- to the product of the present century.
          they never had before.
                                                               A)  included / would belong
            A)  used to be contaminated / thrive
                                                               B)  had been including / have been belonging
            B)  has been contaminated / will have been thriving
                                                               C)  have included / have belonged
            C)  would have been contaminated / have been
               thriving                                        D)  had included/ were belonging
                                                               E)  include / belong
            D)  was contaminated / are thriving
            E)  had been contaminated / were thriving

        2019 YDT
        3. Implantation  of  the  embryo  is  a  milestone  in  human   7. For the last quarter of this century, hurricane activity
          development as it is from this stage onwards that the   ---- dramatically although scientists still ---- the precise
          embryo ---- to take shape and the overall body plan ----.   reason for it today.
            A)  began / had been decided                       A)  had been decreasing / did not know

            B)  begins / is decided                            B)  will have been decreasing / have not known
            C)  had begun / will be decided                    C)  has been decreasing / do not know
            D)  will begin / was decided                       D)  is decreasing / will not know
            E)  is beginning / has been decided                E)  was decreasing / had not known

        4. The question of whether we ---- alone in the Universe   8. Mathematics,  dating  back  to  antiquity,  ----  for  several
          ---- humanity for centuries, but thanks to radio signals   millennia  in  Asia  and  the  Middle  East  before  the
          from other intelligent civilizations, we may now be close   mathematical  innovation  ----  to  Europe  during  the
          to finding out the answer.                         Renaissance.
            A)  were / has been haunting                       A)  had been practiced / moved

            B)  will be / had haunted                          B)  was being practiced / had moved
            C)  have been / will haunt                         C)  has been practiced / was moving
            D)  are / has haunted                              D)  was practiced / has moved
            E)  had been / haunted                             E)  is practiced / moves

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