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          EXERCISES – TENSES      Exercise E                          Exercise J
          Exercise A              1.   smells nice and has            1.   invented / had relied upon
          1.   utilises           2.   started to use                 2.   had been governing / fell into
          2.   include            3.   has been increasing            3.   were taking / wanted
          3.   are debating       4.   a required file has got lost   4.   had no sooner purchased / commenced
          4.   express            5.   have already known             5.   had seen
          5.   dispute            6.   is the second time in history  6.   decided / had been defending
          6.   do not believe     7.   is experiencing a period of    7.   asked / had experienced
          7.   claim              Exercise F                          8.   reached / had been evacuating
                                                                      9.   colonised / had been
          8.   are                1.   recently                       10.  was shooting
          9.   employs            2.   constantly                     11.  learnt
          10.  provide            3.   occasionally                   12.  hadn’t been paying / hadn’t paid
          11.  seems              4.   hardly ever / barely           Exercise K
          12.  is developing      5.   while                          1.   will take
          13.  become             6.   so far                         2.   is going to be
          Exercise B              7.   barely / hardly ever           3.   will live
          1.   deserve            8.   since                          4. .  are going to have / will be spending
          2.   need               9.   in antiquity                   5.   am going to spend
          3.   are thinking       10.  after                          6.   will be / will be
          4.   involve            Exercise G                          Exercise L
          5.   concerns           1       __________                  1.   will experience / will be experiencing
          6.   taste              2    are preferring   prefer        2.   will have achieved / will have become
          7.   are currently weighing  3  __________                  3.   is going to take
                                                                      4.   will have melted away
          8.   feel               4       __________                  5.   will have been studying
          9.   is becoming                                            6.   will have concluded / will announce
          10.  see                5     has come   comes
                                  6     became   become               7.   will be
          Exercise C                                                  8.   will have been rocking
          1.   have not yet produced  7  had tired   tried            9.   will introduce / will borrow
          2.   has released       8       __________                  10.  will have to / will eventually realise
          3.   have announced     9       __________
          4.   has been searching  10     when   after                TENSES TEST - 1
          5.   have refused       11      __________                  1. A
          6.   has been increasing  12  were finding  found out       2. C
          7.   have been going on  13 has discovered   discovered
          8.   has discovered     14      __________                  3. E
          Exercise D              15      __________                  4. B
          1.   was crossing       16    was trying   tried            5. D
          2.   was descending     17      __________
          3.   was contemplating  18  had designed   designed         6. A
          4.   spent              19      __________                  7. B
          5.   were               20    cannot   could not            8. E
          6.   carved
          7.   recorded           21      __________                  9. D
          8.   didn’t think       Exercise H                          10. B
          9.   amputated          1.   explored / had created         11. E
          10.  got out            2.   had been observing / used
          11.  needed             3.   had depleted (depleted) / skyrocketed  12. B
          12.  managed            4.   broke out / had attempted      13. D
          13.  started            5.   had been seeking / had written / obtained  14. C
          14.  was walking        6.   had been yearning / gave
          15.  ran                Exercise I                          15. E
          16.  supplied           1.   were facing / were planning    16. B
          17.  thought            2.   had been working
          18.  arrived            3.   were checking
                                  4.   had been experiencing
          19.  rescued
                                  5.   were reviewing / had been approaching

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