Page 73 - 12 YDT
P. 73

        Modals (Kipler) cümlelerde yetenek, yükümlülük, tavsiye vb. anlamları vermek için kullanılır. Bu nedenle bu konuya iyi
        hakim olmak cümlelerin anlamını daha iyi anlamamıza yardımcı olacaktır. Dolayısıyla paragraf, yeniden ifade etme, çeviri
        ve diyalog sorularında doğru seçeneği seçmemiz daha kolay olacaktır.
        1. Modals Used For Ability
        Can – Be Able To

            Günümüzdeki yetenekleri ve becerileri ifade etmek için “can” ve “be able to” kullanılır.
           ▪ My students assert that they can understand German better than they can speak it.   Video 4.1
           ▪ She will be able to drive in traffic when she passes her driving test.
           ▪ I can carry a loaded rucksack for thirty kilometres without getting tired.
           ▪ Can animals understand each other as well as humans?

            “Be able to” tüm zamanlarda çekimlenebilir.
           ▪ Since prehistoric times, human beings have been able to develop a highly civilised society by working very hard.
           ▪ Ancient people were able to live in tents even in harsh and cold weather conditions though this seems strange to some
            Geçmişteki yetenekler ifade edilirken “could” kullanılır.
           ▪ In my younger days, I could run miles without getting tired at all.
           ▪ When she was in Iran as a child, she could speak Persian quite well.
            Geçmişteki tek bir olaydan bahsediliyorsa o olaya yönelik bir başarı, üstesinden gelme durumu söz konusudur.
             Bu durumlarda “was / were able to” kullanılması gerekir.
           ▪ Last Sunday when we were in Uludağ, I was able to / could ski even though it was my first experience.
           ▪ It is possible to look for a parking place for hours in Istanbul, but yesterday I was able to / could find it in a minute.

        2. Modals Used For Possibility
        May, Might, Can, Could, Be Likely
            Şu anki ve gelecekteki ihtimallerden söz ederken “may, might, can, could ve be likely” yapıları
                                                                                                 Video 4.2
           ▪ Hurry up, please! We may not find a seat if the tickets are sold before we arrive.
           ▪ Is it likely that scientists will solve the problem of diabetes?
           ▪ If everything goes as planned, we could meet tomorrow at the picnic area.
           ▪ Although she has fallen behind her classmates because of her long-time illness, she is likely to keep up with them
             in a short time with her hard work and patience.
           ▪ Dreams might trigger both positive and negative behavioural patterns.
        3. Modals Used For Request
        Can you…? / Could you…? / Would you…? / Will you…? / Do you mind…? / Would you mind…?

          Could you
                                     (Formal)      Would you
          Would you                                  mind                     (Formal)
                        ask for                                  asking for
           Can you     permission    (Informal)                  permission
                      more gently?                              more gently?
                                                  Do you mind                 (Informal)         Video 4.3
           Will you                 (More Direct)
            Birisinden bir ricada bulunurken bu yapılar kullanılır.
           ▪ Do you mind speaking quietly as I don’t want to have trouble with my new neighbours?
           ▪ Could you tell me a bit about how you got into fashion design?
           ▪ Would you mind repeating the prerequisites for joining the new project team?

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