Page 75 - 12 YDT
P. 75


            Tercih belirtirken bu yapılar kullanılır.
           ▪ I would prefer to earn less money in my country rather than work abroad.
           ▪ I would rather help unemployed people find a job than give them money.

            Günümüzde yapılan tercihlerde “be V ”; geçmişteki tercihlerde ise “have V ” kullanılır.
                                          ing                              3
           ▪ As the football match is boring, many people would rather be sitting at home than (be) watching the match in the

           ▪ We did not like the film, so we would prefer to have stayed at home rather than have bought those tickets.
            “Would rather / would sooner” başka birisi adına yapılan tercihleri ifade etmek için de kullanılır. Şu anla ilgili
        tercih ise “Simple Past Modal Verb”; geçmiş ile ilgili bir tercih ise “Past Perfect Modal Verb” kullanılır.
           ▪ I would rather my father did not smoke as he is suffering from asthma.

           ▪ I would rather Maria’s sister had not spent all her money on clothes because she could not pay the rent last month.

        7. Modals Used For Permission
        Can I…? / May I…? / Could I…? / Do you mind if I…? / Would you mind if I…?
                              used my mobile phone until the
          Would you mind if I                                      (Formal)
                                    plane takes off?
                              use my mobile phone until the                                      Video 4.7
           Do you mind if I                                        (Informal)
                                    plane takes off?
                May I                                              (Formal)
                              use my mobile phone until the
               Could I
                                    plane takes off?
                Can I                                              (Informal)

            Birinden izin isterken “May I …, Could I…, Can I …” yapıları kullanılır. Resmi olmayan ilişkilerde “Can I …” yapısı
             tercih edilir.
           ▪ Could I see my exam paper as I was not expecting such a low mark?
           ▪ Can I use your phone until mine gets fully charged?

            “Do you mind if I…?” ve “Would you mind if I…?” kalıpları “Yapmamın sakıncası var mı?” anlamına gelir.
             “Do you mind if I…?” resmi olmayan ilişkilerde tercih edilirken; “Would you mind if I…?” kalıbı resmi ilişkilerde
             tercih edilir. “Do you mind if I…?”  “Present Simple Modal Verb” ile “Would you mind if I…?” “Past Simple
             Modal Verb” ile kullanılır.

           ▪ Do you mind if I join the walking tour that you have organised for the weekend?
           ▪ Would you mind if I kept my pet rabbit during the flight?

        8. Modals Used For Obligation & Lack of Necessity
        Must, Have to, Have got to, Need to
                                                                                                 Video 4.8
            “Must” genellikle iç etkenlerden; “have (got) to” ise dış etkenlerden kaynaklanan zorunluluklarda kullanılır.

           ▪ We must protect animals as they have the right to live like human beings.
           ▪ If you want to drive a car on your own, you have (got) to get your driving license.

            “Have to” tüm zamanlarla çekimlenebilir.
           ▪ McArthur has had to go to Hong Kong at short notice for his firm.
             ▪ I see that you have got only three decent shirts; you will have to buy new ones when you get there.

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