Page 77 - 12 YDT
P. 77


            “May / might / could” bir duruma dair ihtimallerden birini ifade ederken kullanılır.
           ▪ A: I don’t understand why mosquitoes bite me, not my husband, all the time.
             B: It may / might / could be because of your blood type.

        12. Modals Used For Expectation
        Should / Be Supposed to / Be to / Be Due to / Be Expected to / Be About to
            “Be supposed to / be to / be due to” yapıları planlanmış ve gerçekleşmesi beklenen olayları ifade
             etmek için  kullanılır.                                                            Video 4.13
           ▪ The United Nations delegations are to meet for an annual meeting in New York on Friday.

           ▪ The newly-elected president is due to give an inaugural speech within a few hours.
            “Be supposed to / be to” yapılarını yasalar veya kurallar nedeniyle yapılması beklenen işleri anlattığımız durumlar
             için de kullanırız.
           ▪ Students who want to have the certificate are to attend at least eighty per cent of the courses.
           ▪ Applicants are supposed to hand in their forms to the office within 15 days.

            “Be about to” yapısı bir şeyi yapmak üzere olmak anlamında kullanılır.

           ▪ The plane is about to take off, so fasten your seat belts, please.
           ▪ The author was about to publish his new novel when he was nominated for the Best Author of the Year award.

        13. Perfect modals
        A. Making Deductions about Past Events
        Must have + past participle (V )                                                        Video 4.14
            ‘‘Must have + past participle (V )’’ yapıları geçmiş ile ilgili çıkarımda bulunulan durumlar için kullanılır.
            Emin olunan durumlarda, olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır.

           ▪ Although our team lost their first three matches in a row, they won the last one. They must have trained hard for it.
        Can’t have + past participle (V ), Couldn’t have + past participle (V )
                                     3                                 3
            “Can’t have V ”  ve  “couldn’t  have  V ”  yapısı  ise  geçmişte  bir  şeyin  olmadığından  emin  olunan  durumlarda
                       3                   3

           ▪ Most of the students have little idea about the plot of the book. They can’t have read the whole book.
           ▪ The instructor couldn’t have explained the directions clearly as nearly all of the trainees failed the test.

        B. Making Speculations about Past Events
        May have V , might have V , could have V
                   3             3              3
            Geçmişteki bir durumla alakalı ihtimallerden söz ederken “may have V , might have V , could have V ” yapıları
                                                                       3            3           3
             kullanılır.  Olumsuz ihtimallerde ise “may not have V ” ve “might not have V ” kullanılır.
                                                       3                  3
           ▪ There was no declaration after yesterday’s talks, but it is assumed that two sides may have reached an agreement.
           ▪ As my family live in a rather new and sturdy apartment, they might not have felt the earthquake that happened last
            “Might have V  / could have V ” geçmişte gerçekleşmemiş bir ihtimali ifade eder. Ayrıca, beraber kullanıldığı
                       3             3
             eyleme “yapılabilirdi ama olmadı” anlamını katar.

           ▪ The previous governments could have prevented some of today’s problems by taking simple precautions in the past.
           ▪ You knew that you might have earned a lot of money by working as a lawyer, but you chose a different path.

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