Page 89 - 12 YDT
P. 89

Modal Verbs - Consolidation - 1

        9. Everyone is familiar with the world’s most recognisable   13. Recently developed Artificial Intelligence (AI) models
          landmarks, and ---- of these cultural icons has multiple   ---- incredible actions, including recognising images
          meanings; ---- may symbolise an era, a region, a belief,   and  producing  human-like  language,  but  that  does
          a culture, a nation, or a city.                     not mean AI ---- human-like emotions.

            A)  one / that                                     A)  could have done / may have
            B)  many / they                                    B)  used to do / should have had
            C)  most / these                                   C)  should be doing / must have
            D)  each / it                                      D)  are supposed to do / would have had
            E)  some / those                                   E)  are able to do / can have

        10. Piri  Reis  gave  ----  information  about  ports,  coasts,   14. Without electricity, no facilities, such as hospitals or
           and islands on maps in Kitab-ı Bahriye, but he noted   factories, ---- any services, so communities ---- many
           that  however  big  the  scales  of  maps  were,  it  was   of their basic needs.
           impossible to show ---- the vital details on them.
                                                               A)  could provide / would not be able to meet
            A)  the majority of / none of
                                                               B)  must have provided / should not have met
            B)  a large quantity of / little of
                                                               C)  can provide / must not be meeting
            C)  much / either of
                                                               D)  should be providing / could not have met
            D)  a large amount of / enough of
                                                               E)  would provide / do not have to meet
            E)  a great deal of / much of

        11. Photosynthetic  organisms  remove  ----  carbon   15. Because  depression  ----  associated  with  other
           dioxide from the atmosphere and use carbon atoms   medical  complications,  your  doctor  ----  a  physical
           to construct organic molecules; therefore, scientists   exam and ask for a blood test.
           believe  conserving  forests  and  ----  expanses  of
           vegetation  is  crucial  to  combating  rising  carbon   A)  had better be / is able to do
           dioxide levels.                                     B)  used to be / must have done
            A)  large quantities of / other                    C)  must have been / is unlikely to do

            B)  small amounts of / another                     D)  should have been / would be doing
            C)  plenty of / the other                          E)  may be / is likely to do
            D)  a great deal of / others
            E)  much of / one another

        12. Although ---- historians disagree on whether Camellia   16. To  reach  young  people,  brands  ----  on  video  viewing
           sinensis, the Latin name for tea, is native to Japan, ----   platforms where the target audience ---- most of their
           think that it was transported from China at some point   time.
           in history.
                                                               A)  should be advertising / will spend
            A)  many / one
                                                               B)  would have advertised / spent
            B)  half of the / all
                                                               C)  would prefer to advertise / spends
            C)  some / the majority
                                                               D)  are likely to advertise / has spent
            D)  only a few of / several
                                                               E)  used to advertise / is spending
            E)  a little / each

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