Page 19 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 19
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 1. DENEME
57. Although your sister has been taking piano
59. - 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam
lessons for almost a year, she still seems to have bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi
difficulty recognising the right note. She thinks she bulunuz.
has made huge progress, but you think she has
no musical capability. Thinking that she wastes 59. The amount of water you get from foods makes up
her time and money, you want to encourage her your daily total beverage intake. How much liquid
to try other pastimes. So, trying not to break her you should get each day depends on your age,
feelings, you say: ---- gender, or pregnancy status, and you obtain the
majority of the liquids you need from the water
A) I don’t understand why you’re investing your time and other beverages you drink. ---- Another good
and money in an activity that you’re terrible at. way to provide body fluids is to drink water, which
B) I’m sure there are other things that you can do has no calories.
much better than struggling with this instrument
A) Drinking water can help avoid dehydration, a
in vain.
condition that can cause foggy thinking.
C) I think keyboard instruments are not my cup of
B) You can get some fluids from the foods, especially
tea. I should give a chance to wind instruments,
fruits and vegetables, with a lot of water.
C) Since water has no calories, it can assist in
D) As far as I recall, you were excellent at sports
controlling body weight and consuming fewer
in middle school. Why don’t you consider taking
fencing classes again instead of piano?
D) Beverages labelled ‘sugar-free’ or ‘diet’ are more
E) After spending a fortune on your piano classes,
likely to contain high-intensity sweeteners.
our mum will feel disappointed when she sees
your poor performance. E) If you want to drink more water during the day,
carry a water bottle with you.
58. You are a graduate student at one of the most
prestigious universities in the country. Your
professor assigned the whole class to write an
essay on the artistic features of an ancient temple.
A few days after you finish the paper, you notice
that your flatmate, who has the same assignment
as he is in the same class with you, has copied
your work. Knowing that he always does that, you
enter his room furiously and say: ----
A) Excuse me, do you know where my assignment
is? I can’t find it anywhere.
B) How dare you! You can’t steal everyone’s work
without permission all the time.
C) If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t let anyone copy
my work without my consent.
D) You must have taken my essay by accident in the
library today. Can I take it back?
E) If you had asked me, I’d have helped you to finish
your assignment with pleasure.
12. SINIF 19 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.