Page 17 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 17
YDT • İngilizce 1. ADIM • 1. DENEME
52. Unlike bones or skin, which can heal through 53. Though Albert Einstein is recognised as one
remineralisation, the teeth lack the right type of of the greatest scientists of the 20 century,
cells to fully repair themselves. his first wife is largely unknown despite having
contributed to his revolutionary discoveries.
A) Remineralisation is a process which can only be
stimulated by bones or skin; however, the teeth A) Albert Einstein is acknowledged as one of the
require a different process to heal completely. brightest scientists of the last century, while his
B) The teeth, which need a correct type of cellular first wife, whose scientific contributions were more
process to recover entirely, lack the basic ability valuable than Einstein’s, remained anonymous to
of remineralisation, just like skin or bones. most people.
C) It is likely for teeth to repair themselves thoroughly B) Albert Einstein’s first wife was more famous
by remineralisation; on the other hand, bones at the time thanks to her contributions to her
and skin need a combination of correct cells to husband’s lots of ground-breaking discoveries;
recover. nevertheless, Einstein is seen as one of the most
influential scientists of the 20 century today.
D) While bones and skin have the capability of
regenerating themselves by the remineralisation C) In spite of her contributions to her husband’s
process, the teeth do not have the correct cell ground-breaking discoveries, Albert Einstein’s
types to completely recover. first wife remains virtually unknown, whereas he
is regarded as one of the brightest scientists of
E) It is not possible for bones and skin to regenerate
the last century.
themselves using essential minerals in the body
as long as the teeth do not include the right types D) No matter how hard he tried, Albert Einstein, one
of cells. of the greatest physicists in the world, could not
surpass his first wife’s success during the 20
century, although he played a significant role in
his wife’s findings.
E) Albert Einstein is known as one of the best
scientists of all time, just like his first wife, whose
contributions to her husband’s scientific works
are known and respected by everyone.
12. SINIF 17 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.