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P. 12
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42. It can be understood from the passage that
41. - 43. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız. according to a study, ----.
Are you afraid of maths? Is the thought of taking a A) writing down thoughts and feelings before a test
maths test making your palms sweat? If so, you are can improve maths performance
not alone. Many people find maths difficult. Stress B) negative experiences in the classroom and at
does not just keep students from getting good grades. home may contribute to maths anxiety
It might be physically painful as well. However, science C) maths anxiety seems to be higher in girls as they
has uncovered certain methods to deal with maths do not play online games
anxiety. According to research, writing about your maths
D) playing an instrument is more difficult for students
anxiety can help you work through negative feelings
than learning maths
and perform better on tests. It is also critical to keep a
E) maths anxiety is the result of doing poorly in
‘growth mindset’ when it comes to maths, researchers
find. That is, keep in mind that doing maths is similar to
playing an instrument or participating in a sport. Anyone
can get better with practice. Seeking out enjoyable
maths-related activities can also help the subject seem
less scary. Try playing some online maths games, or
read stories about interesting methods to use maths
in everyday life, such as debunking urban legends
or calculating your dog’s true age. Most importantly,
remember that making mistakes is a key part of learning
maths. Many mathematicians and other scientists have
also experienced maths anxiety.Therefore, if numbers
make you nervous now, keep an open mind. Someday,
you just might like it.
43. What is the author’s attitude towards maths
41. According to the passage, maths anxiety ----. anxiety?
A) is mostly due to negative emotions from the past A) Humorous
B) could be reduced by taking part in a sport B) Concerned
C) cannot be prevented despite fun maths activities C) Disapproving
D) can cause physical symptoms such as sweating D) Sarcastic
E) has no negative impact on students’ tests E) Optimistic
12. SINIF 12 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.