Page 7 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 7

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 1. DENEME

           25.  ---- if you are still trying to determine whether you   27.  Although ‘paraquat’ is one of the world’s most
               have chosen the proper career.                  popular and effective herbicides, ----.

               A)  You can be sure that you are making this decision   A)  farmers prefer using it since it does not damage
                  for yourself, not for someone else              the plants or the animals
               B)  You can see a career counsellor or research a   B)  millions of farmers have used it to remove weeds
                  given occupation and its unique aspects         from their land
               C)  You can minimise results and fix faults to assist   C)  farmers who use it without protective clothing
                  you in rebuilding your reputation               should not be worried
               D)  Strong work ethic helps you achieve your goals   D)  it is also one of the most toxic ones, causing
                  and get promoted in your career                 thousands of poisoning deaths
               E)  You can strengthen missing skills or learn new   E)  there is no scientific evidence showing that it is
                  ones to achieve an optimistic mindset           harmful to human health

           26.  While most sunscreen recommendations are   28.  Due to their lower running costs, expanded model
               appropriate for both adults and children, ----.  selection, and growing concerns about air quality
                                                               and climate change, ----.
               A)  almost all mineral sunscreens contain physical
                  blockers like zinc oxide                     A)  electric cars are a relatively new concept in the
               B)  it would be wise to avoid being outside when the   car business
                  sun’s rays are the strongest                 B)  most experts agree that sales of electric cars will
               C)  protecting newborns from sunburn requires a    slow down in the next few years
                  distinct strategy                            C)  electric vehicles are becoming more and more
               D)  childhood sunburn has been linked to a higher   appealing
                  likelihood of skin cancer                    D)  electric cars cost more  than gasoline or diesel
               E)  scientists advise parents to dress their infants in   vehicles
                  sun-protective clothing                      E)  many people still prefer gasoline-powered cars
                                                                  over their electric counterparts

           12. SINIF                                    7                             Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
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