Page 6 - 3 Adım Deneme Sınavları YDT İngilizce
P. 6

YDT • İngilizce                                                       1. ADIM • 1. DENEME

            21.  -  28.  sorularda,  verilen  cümleyi  uygun  şekilde   23.  ----, people are faced with unhealthy weight and
            tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.                        even obesity in the long run.

           21.  Animal testing in medical research and cosmetics   A)  Since excessive consumption of ultra-processed
               should be prohibited ----.                         food is getting more widespread
                                                               B)  Though there is an association between the
               A)  as some species have internal systems that are   number of steps taken and their health benefits
                  functionally equivalent to human organs
                                                               C)  Even if a great number of people consume more
               B)  unless animals are viewed as a tool for improving   food than their bodies actually need
                  medical techniques
                                                               D)  No matter how much effort has been put into
               C)  even if many cosmetic companies have looked    well-being and getting in shape
                  for alternatives to animal testing
                                                               E)  While experts stress that excess physical activity
               D)  since it violates the rights of animals and causes   may cause serious diseases
                  pain and suffering to experimental animals
               E)  in case computers can simulate it and estimate
                  the product or price of the product

           22.  Parents are supposed to encourage children to   24.  ----, every person’s healthy weight range will vary
               snack on fruits and vegetables rather than chips   and depend on factors including age, gender,
               and cookies ----.                               genetics, body frame, and lifestyle habits.

               A)  even if a nutritious diet in childhood reduces the   A)  Unless they eat lots of fruit and vegetables and
                  risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity    reduce fat, sugar, and salt intake
               B)  while they learn to eat healthily today and will   B)  Even if the body mass index is based on
                  make better choices as they grow older          gender-specific height and weight tables
               C)  although junk food consumption may lead to   C)  Because opting for a balanced diet is an important
                  childhood obesity or experiencing problems later  step towards a healthy lifestyle
               D)  if your doctor or dietitian can help you manage   D)  Even though healthy weight guidelines have
                  food allergies while eating a healthy diet      been made for the whole population
               E)  since focusing on nutrient-dense foods allows   E)  As a high amount of body fat may cause
                  children to get nutrients while decreasing calories  weight-related diseases and other health issues

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