P. 13

5.     Read the passage and choose the correct option.
                                  TIME MATTERS
              Wasting time is a common problem of our age. Though we all
              know that time is the most precious thing in our life, we are
              not capable of using it properly somehow. We always face the
              importance of finishing things on time in our daily lives. As we
              are trying to keep up with all the deadlines, we have to be good
              at making few things at a time to achieve our goals. To get
              better grades, to run a hotel or to raise a good kid may sound
              totally different goals, but in order to achieve them, we all need
              to cultivate the same habit; planning. We have to learn how to
              plan our day. Writing all the deadlines is a good way to know the
              earliest one and to make a good start.

              1. Wasting time __ a real problem for us.         4. Whatever our goal is, we need a __ to achieve it.
                  a. is not       b. is                             a. plan             b. deadline
              2. Most of the people __ use the time properly.   5. We should start with a __.
                  a. can          b. cannot                         a. daily plan     b. weekly plan
              3. Keeping up with deadlines __ finishing things on time.  6. First, you should note down all your __.
                  a. means     b. does not mean                     a. goals            b. deadlines

          6.     Complete the text messaging about the situation below. Use the prompts given.
              Your sister lives abroad and you suddenly realize that it’s her 18  birthday today. You need to make
              a quick planning to surprise her. You start texting with your twin brother for ideas.

                                                                             a. I’ll share her friends’ video

                                                                             b. I’ll arrange mom and dad
             Lily: Lincoln, red alert! We’ve all forgotten
             about Sally’s 18  birthday, which is today. We                  c. I’ll make an ordinary video call
             should make a plan ASAP!
                                                                             d. we’ll all gather on the screen to
                                                                                 blow candles
                                                       Lincoln: Oh my gosh!
                                                       What will we do?      e. Let’s collect videos from her friends
                Lily:  ______. I’ll call and ask them.
                                                                             f.  I’ll edit them
                                                      Lincoln: Nice! Send me the videos once you’ve got them
                                                      and ______as soon as I get back home. It will
                                                      only take 10 minutes for me and the video will be ready.
                                                      What about the cake?
           Lily:  ______ for it. Thank God it’s Sunday and
           they’re at home.
                                                      Lincoln: OK. After everything is ready ______
                                                      to Sally and suddenly ______ on the screen.

               Lily: And______ while you are showing the
               video and make a second surprise!       Lincoln: Great! Let’s start
                                                       immediately. I think everything will
                                                       be ready in about three hours.

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