P. 18

FUNCTIONS:                                               English  10
                                  · Describing past activities and events
                                  · Talking about sequential actions                            Theme 3
                                  · Describing characters and settings in an event in the past  Legendary Figure  7
          1.  Listen to Bob carefully and choose the correct option.   Tapescript 3.1.1

                 1. Where were Bob and his brother watching Formula 1 racing?
                      a. at home                     b. at the Silverstone Circuit
                  2. When did the first British Grand Prix take place at the Silverstone Circuit?
                      a. 1987                     b. 1978
                  3. How was the atmosphere at the Silverstone Circuit?
                      a. annoying                     b. amazing
                  4. How many times did Michael Schumacher become the world champion?
                      a. 7                                  b. 8
                  5. What were Schumacher’s fans doing during the race?
                      a. cheering and shouting    b. clapping hands
                  6. Who did Schumacher wave and smile at after the race?
                      a. his fans                      b. Bob and his brother

          2.  Listen again and write true (T) or false (F).
              1. Bob and his brother always watched Formula 1 racing at home. __
              2. Michael Schumacher is known as the best F1 racing driver of all time. __
              3. Schumacher was on the racetrack cheering and shouting with his fans. __
              4. Soon after the race, Schumacher went to collect his prize. __
              5. Bob and his brother were surprised because Schumacher called Bob’s brother. __
              6. There was a big poster of Schumacher in Bob’s bedroom. __
          3.  Complete the paragraph with the given words.
                            Next         Finally       After that      First       Then

               It was the end of October. My friends and I were in  we heard people running while we were trying to
               İzmir for a couple of days to receive my Author of  find a safe place. The whole building was shaking
               the Year Award. We were having a great time in this  even  more. _________,  it stopped.  Those scary
               lovely city until our last day. We were at the hotel  moments lasted less than a minute. _________,
               getting ready for our flight in the evening. Suddenly,  we ran out of the room quickly and went down the
               I heard a strange, rumbling noise. _________, the  stairs. _________, we found ourselves in front
               floor  began  to  sway,  and  I  felt  dizzy.  My  friends  of the hotel building. We were all shocked as we
               and I looked at each other to understand what was  experienced  an  earthquake  for  the  first  time  and
               happening, but none of us had an idea. _________,  unaware of its severity.

          4.  Think about an interesting experience you had in the past and tell it to your friends in the class.

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