P. 23

5.    Read about The Old Man and The Sea and complete the blanks with the given sentences.

              a. Despite the loss of it, the marlin was the old man’s greatest victory.
              b. He was also Santiago’s friend and protector.
              c. The fish was so big that it dragged the whole boat.
              d. He didn’t let anything in life rattle him.

                                 The Old Man and The Sea
              The old man, Santiago, was a skillful, Cuban fisherman. His neck was
              wrinkled from the sun, and his hands were full of scars due to many
              fishing battles; only his blue eyes remained bright, ageless and cheerful.
              He was brave, confident, determined and optimistic. (1) ___ Manolin
              was a young teenage boy who served as the son who Santiago had
              never had. (2) ___ Manolin looked up to Santiago as a teacher, a father
              figure, and a hero. He believed in the old man’s fishing abilities and
              enjoyed his company. The story took place entirely in a small fishing
              village near
              Havana, Cuba, and in the waters of the Gulf Stream, current warm water in the Caribbean Sea. The old
              man lived a lonely life. His only assets were a boat and some fishing equipment. It had been 84 days
              since he managed to catch a fish. Although Manolin began fishing with the old man at the age of five, his
              parents forced him to go on a different fishing boat as they believed the old man had bad luck. Manolin,
              however, still cared deeply for the old man. On the 85  day, Santiago sailed alone far beyond the island’s
              shallow coastal waters and, finally, caught a large marlin. (3) ___ During his uphill struggle with the big
              fish for two days, he talked to the fish and a bird which rested at the stern of the boat. While he was
              talking, he remembered the good days of his youth and dreams. He felt better. At the end, he won the
              fight, and he tied the marlin to his boat. While he was going back, the sharks attacked the boat, but the old
              man didn’t give up. When he reached the shore, the marlin was nothing but bones. All the other fishermen
              were amazed at the size of the skeleton they saw on Santiago’s boat, but the old man had no interest in
              the remains of the fish. (4) ___
          6.  Read the text again and write true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).
              1. The old man, whose eyes remained young and undefeated, was still a man in charge. ___
              2. The old man missed his wife who had passed away years ago. ___
              3. The old man didn’t mean much to Manolin although he taught him how to fish. ___
              4. The old man set out to sea and returned empty-handed after 84 days. ___
              5. The old man announced Manolin his plans to go far out in the sea. ___
              6. During the hard times in the sea, the old man called up great memories of his past. ___
              7. The sharks couldn’t manage to eat the flesh of the marlin. ___
              8. Manolin was overjoyed to see the old man again on the shore.___
          7.  Think about your legendary character in a book and write about his/her story.


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