P. 28

English  10
                                  •  Describing habits and routines in the past
                                  •  Making oral presentations on a specific topic              Theme 4
                                                                                               Traditions  12
          1.  Listen to the podcast and choose the pictures which are described.  Tapescript 4.3.1
              1.        a.                                 b.

              2.        a.                                 b.

          2.  Listen to the podcast again and choose the correct option.
              1. The sugar used to be very expensive, so the lower class ______________ .
                 a. used to eat only healthy food              b. couldn’t buy it
              2. Queen Elizabeth used to have black teeth because ______________ .
                a. she used to eat lots of sweets            b. sweets used to be good for health
              3. The lower class used to blacken their teeth to ______________ .
                a. look more beautiful                        b. look like rich people
              4. In Venice, high platform shoes used to be fashionable because ladies ______________ .
                a. wanted to look tall and beautiful          b. wanted to protect their dresses from the muddy streets
              5. The height of the platforms was a sign of ______________ .
                a. wealth and power                                b. beauty and elegance

           3.  Order the sentences to make a meaningful dialog.
              __  Did you use to live on a farm?
              __  We used to gather in the evenings and lit a campfire. We used to chat, sing songs and tell stories.
              __  How was your life then?
              __   Where did you use to live when you were young?
              __  Really? How did you use to enjoy yourselves?
              __  I used to live in a village.
              __  Not actually. It was a nice wooden village house.
              __  It was hard. Everything used to be quite different. We didn’t use to have any technological devices because
                  we didn’t use to have electricity. But we were happy.

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