P. 31

5.  Read the dialog and fill in the blanks with the given options.

                    a. road trip          b. trip abroad         c. camping trip          d. beach trip

                                 PLANS FOR ANNIVERSARY
               Celine:  Honey? What are you doing here?
               Tom: Ah! You got me! I was searching for some holiday options for our
               5  wedding anniversary. You spoiled the surprise!
               Celine:  Tommy…  You are a sweetheart! So, what are our options?
               Show me! Can’t wait!
               Tom: OK, sweetie. Hmm… We may have a (1)____ and spend time in
               an amazing forest. We may sleep under the stars and the moonlight; we
               may sit around the fire and relax… Like it?
               Celine: Oh, no! I don’t like sleeping in a tent. It’s cold at nights, and there is no shower or toilet. Not
               Tom: Understood. How about having a (2)____? We may go to Europe, visit museums, try local food
               and see the fabulous architecture. Is it OK for you?
               Celine: That kind of vacation takes at least 10 days with long flights. We don’t have that much time.
               What about a (3)____, honey? We may go wherever we want, take what we want and stay anywhere
               we like. Enjoying our music on the way and feeling free! Fantastic! Huh?
               Tom: I don’t think so. We have to spend lots of time in the car and driving all the way is so tiring. Hey!
               Why don’t we have a (4)____? We may go to Florida for a long weekend by plane. Resting by the
               seaside, swimming, enjoying our great seafood, getting a fabulous tan… How about that?
               Celine: Oh my god! Yes! Yes! Yes!
          6.  Read the dialog again and answer the questions.
              1. Why are Tom and Celine searching for holiday options?
              2. Which holiday option is the best for visiting different countries?
              3. Who doesn’t want to go on a road trip?
              4. Which trip do they agree on?
          7.  a. Read the confirmation email below and fill in the blanks with the words given.
                   forward        meeting       regards      confirmation   agreement

              Dear Stanley Jr. Clarks,
              I’m sending you this email to confirm our __________ tomorrow at 4 p.m. I appreciate
              a __________ from you so that we are both in __________. Looking __________ to
              meeting you.
              Best __________,
              David Hughes
              b. Write a confirmation email as in exercise 7a.
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