P. 36

FUNCTIONS:                                               English  10
                                  •  Giving and receiving advice
                                  •  Talking about rules and regulations                        Theme 6
                                  •  Talking about consequences                              Helpful Tips  16

          1.  Listen to the announcement and answer the questions.    Tapescript 6.1.1
              1. Where do the people hear the announcement?
              2. What is the announcement for?

          2.  Listen to the announcement again and choose
                 the correct answer.
              1. If you swim in the sea with a warning sign at the beach,
                  it will be ______ for you.
                  a. dangerous                    b. safe
              2. If you are in the water, you should be aware of the ______.
                  a. big waves                    b. sea creatures
              3. ______ the affected area if a jellyfish stings you.
                  a. Use vinegar on               b. Wash
              4. If you have a coral cut, you should ______.
                  a. clean the area with soapy water    b. scrub the affected area
              5. If you don’t treat the affected area, it will ______.
                  a. get better                   b. get worse

          3.  Read the dialog between Celine and Dennis and complete the blanks with the
              statements below.
              a. And you mustn’t chat with your friends
              b. Besides, you must play minimum one game even if you lose
              c. Do we need any rules at a chess club
              d. You must always arrive at least 5 minutes earlier
              Celine: Do you have a chess club at your school, Dennis?
              Dennis: Yeah. It’s a true competitive chess club, and I’m one
              of the best chess players at school.
              Celine: Great! You’re the right person to answer my questions.
              In my school, we’re gonna start a club for chess lovers. You
              know chess improves academic skills such as concentration,
              creativity and problem-solving. (1) ____?
              Dennis: Sure. Nothing can be perfect without rules, and the keyword is respect. You must be polite
              and treat each other with respect.
              Celine: It’s just a part of being human to respect each other. Do I have to write it down as a first rule?
              Dennis: Yes, you do. The second keyword is punctuality. (2) ____ to the chess club. The
              next rule is to forget about your cell phones and computers.
              Celine: You mean no cell phones or computers are allowed at the chess club.
              Dennis: Exactly. You musn’t bring any food or drinks into the club, either. (3) ____ unless it’s about chess.
              Celine: Any other rules that I need to know?
              Dennis: Well, let me think. I’m about to forget the most important one. Best club members
              have to give minimum one lesson per week to a weak player. (4) ____.
              Celine: Thanks for your help, Dennis. I’m gonna prepare a poster with all these rules and then put it on the
              noticeboard of the chess club.

          4.  Prepare a similar dialog with your partner about the rules of a club in your school and act it
                 out in class.

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