P. 40

FUNCTIONS:                                               English  10
                                  •  Giving and receiving advice
                                  •  Talking about rules and regulations                        Theme 6
                                  •  Talking about consequences                              Helpful Tips  18
         1.  Listen to Ms. Hamilton, the teacher of the drama club,
                and tick the sentences you hear.   Tapescript 6.3.1
                1. If you wanna be a successful student, learn how to manage your time.
                2. Keep your team’s spirit high.
                3. You must always come to rehearsals ready to work.
                4. I’m Tilda Hamilton, the director of the club, Mission Acting.
                5. Time management is a must if you’re a member of my drama club.
                6. Please never touch or move anything that does not belong to you.
                7. You must know your responsibilities well.
         2.    Listen to Ms. Hamilton again and write true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).

                         1. Ms. Hamilton is very eager to see the students’ productions. ____
                         2. Attendance is a must if students accept a role in a play. ____
                         3. If the students are not ready for their parts, they can study during the rehearsal. ____
                         4. Time management isn’t so vital in a student’s life. ____
                         5. The students must never touch somebody else’s belongings. ____
                         6. If the students break the rules, Ms. Hamilton will cancel their drama club membership. ____
          3.  Read the dialog and match the underlined sentences with their explanations given below.
              1. Everything happens for a reason. __
              2. Don’t let temporary defeats keep you away from your dream. __
              3. Realize how fortunate you are and enjoy it. __
              Lucy: What have you been writing in that lovely notebook,
              Grandma: Some advice to my younger self, honey. When you
              grow up, you may find them useful. It’s going to be yours.
              Lucy: Oh, really! You’re so cute. If it’s okay for you, can you
              read some parts, please?
              Grandma: With pleasure. “Dear me, you’re just 18.
 7.  Look at the rules of the camp and say which one/ones you don’t like at all.
              I know you feel that no one really understands
              you right now and things can seem a bit dark at times. (a) But, the truth is that you’re incredibly lucky to
 8.  Imagine you’re attending a summer camp for a week and your best friend is going to attend  be born in the time and place where you are, so you’d better make the most of it.”
        the same camp soon. Write an email to her/him describing the camp life and the camp rules as
              Lucy: Granny, you’re right! Nobody understands me these days. Sorry to interrupt! Go on, please.
        in exercise 5.
              Grandma: (b) “You should remember that everything that is happening is just part of a bigger picture
              and somehow it will all make sense in the end.”
              Lucy: I hope so.
              Grandma: (c) “Sometimes it’s all right to fall, but don’t stay down for too long,” is my last sentence.
              Lucy: I think this notebook will be my treasure in the future. Thank you so much, granny. I love you to
              the moon and back.

          4.  Think about your future self. Prepare a similar dialog and act it out in class.

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