P. 33

5.  Read the dialog between two friends and tick the place they want to go.

                         Rainbow Mountains, China                      Banff National Park, Canada

              Lisa: Why don’t you drink your coffee, Sam? It’s getting cold.
              Sam: Oh, I’m really into this travel magazine. Come and have a look. Stunning places, amazing photos.
              Lisa: Wow, this one seems magical. Where is it?
              Sam: Rainbow Mountains, in China. They look like huge colorful candies, don’t they? Have you ever been to
              Lisa: Yes, I have. With my family when I was 7. But I don’t remember anything. And you?
              Sam: No, I haven’t, but I’d love to. Oh! Look at that one. What a beautiful color!
              Lisa: Turquoise glacial lakes! How wonderful to see the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site
              in this magazine.
              Sam: How do you know it?
              Lisa: My uncle is a mountain climber. He says Banff National Park is Canada’s first national park and it has
              the most breathtaking views in the country.
              Sam: Lucky you! Have you ever been there?
              Lisa: No, not that lucky yet.
              Sam: Let’s go there for a skiing holiday, shall we?
              Lisa: Maybe in December, after the final exams.
              Sam: Great. I’ll search all the places we should visit when we get there and plan all the activities. I’ll also make
              all the reservations. Trust me!
              Lisa: Sounds amazing. I’ll have a great holiday without getting stressed over planning. It’s too good to be true.
              Sam: Then, wait and see.
          6.  Read the dialog again and write T (true) or F (false).
              1. Sam is reading a city guide with lots of info. __
              2. Sam has never been to China. __
              3. There are some glacial lakes in Banff National Park. __
              4. Lisa went to Canada when she was a kid. __
              5. Lisa won’t be available for a holiday before December. __

          7.  Choose a city you wish to go. Search the Net and write about the top places to visit there.

                           is a great city for an unforgettable holiday. You should visit
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