P. 22

FUNCTIONS:                                               English  10
                                  · Describing past activities and events
                                  · Talking about sequential actions                            Theme 3
                                  · Describing characters and settings in an event in the past  Legendary Figure  9
          1.  Listen to the life story of Amelia Earhart and fill in the missing dates and events in the timeline.
             Tapescript 3.3.1

                            AMELIA EARHART

                                                              She became the first woman
                                                                 to fly the Atlantic solo.
                                                                                     Her plane disappeared while she
                          She was born.
                                             _________________________ .             was crossing the Pacific Ocean.
                                       ____                                         1935

                          1897                        1920            ____                          ____

                                 She saw the first airplane.               _________________________ .

          2.    Listen again and write true (T) or false (F).
              1. Amelia wasn’t a typical child like the girls of her age. ___
              2. She was amazed by the plane of Wright Brothers that she saw first in 1908. ___
              3. During the war, she helped the wounded soldiers as a nurse. ___
              4. Her love of flying first began when her father bought her a plane as a birthday present. ___
              5. She was a passenger in her first flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928. ___
              6. People from all over the world appreciated her aviation skills. ___
          3.  Read the dialog between Dennis and Sue and say at least two interesting facts about Beethoven.
              Share them with your classmates.
              Dennis: Wow! You made a gorgeous cake. Look at the music notes on it. Great
              job, Sue. Who is this tempting cake for?
              Sue: It’s for the most inspirational musician and for the greatest composer
              of all time. Come on, Dennis! Put the candles on the cake. I’m celebrating
              Beethoven’s 250  birthday.
              Dennis: Oh, no. You must be kidding. You are a true fan! By the way, when and
 7.  Choose your legendary figure and write a paragraph telling his/her life story using the words below.  where was he born?
              Sue: Ludwig van Beethoven was born in December 1770 in Bonn, Germany.
              In fact, no one knows the actual date. Some records say it was December 16,
              Dennis: Perfect timing! Today is 16  December 2020. How old was he when he started music?
              Sue: He was playing keyboard instruments when he was 4. He couldn’t reach the keys, so he had to
              stand on a stool while playing the piano.
              Dennis: He was a real genius. Was he a successful student at school?
              Sue: Unfortunately, no. He was terrible at math, spelling and writing. He left school to focus on music.
              Guess what! He gave his first concert at the age of 7. When Beethoven was 12, he was a composer.
              Dennis: Unbelievable! He lost his hearing, didn’t he?
              Sue: Yes. In his late-20s, he became nearly deaf, but he continued composing music. By his mid-40s, he
              was totally deaf.
              Dennis: So, did he hear his music in his mind and write it down?
              Sue: Yes, exactly. His talent is really unmatched. Come on! Let’s blow out the candles.

          4.  Prepare a similar dialog with your partner about your legendary figure and act it out in class.
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