P. 30

FUNCTIONS:                                                English  11
                                •  Expressing wishes and regrets for past events              Theme 5
                                • Talking about unreal past events                      Back to the Past 13


         1.  Listen  to  Dan’s  voice  recording
             about his past wishes and regrets.
             Decide if the statements are true
             (T) or false (F).
                 Tapescript 5.1.1

               1    If Dan had been young enough to write his wishes and regrets, he wouldn’t
                   have recorded them.
               2    Dan used to record his dairy when he was younger.
               3    He is happy that he saved up some money for retirement.
               4    Dan’s past regrets are about his savings, investments and health.
               5   Dan’s message to his children is not to live a life unfulfilled.

         2.  Read the quote below. Do you agree with John S. Hall? Why or why not? And tell about the
             regrets for past events in your life.

                 Today, I will try to remember to regret the past. I will think of how many
                 mistakes I have made throughout my life. I will say to myself, “If only I
                 could go back in time and make different choices so that my life could be
                 the way it should have been.” Then I will remind myself that I cannot.

                                                                           John S. Hall

         3.  Read the quote again and answer the questions below.

              1    Did John S. Hall make mistakes in his life?
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
              2    Does he criticise his choices? If yes, underline the related sentence in the quote.
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
              3    Do you agree with John S. Hall?
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
              4    Did you make mistakes in your life? If so, what would be your wishes about the past
                  events in your life?
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .

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