P. 34

FUNCTIONS:                                                English  11
                                •  Expressing wishes and regrets for past events              Theme 5
                                • Talking about unreal past events                      Back to the Past 15

         1.  Listen to two people mentioning their bad holiday experience and then decide if the statements
             are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).     Tapescript 5.3.1

                                    1     Kevin and Michelle are colleagues.
                                    2     Michelle wanted to stop at an unknown coffee shop for lunch.
                                    3     Kevin disagreed with Michelle, and they decided not to have lunch
                                        till going home.
                                    4     Michelle didn’t eat the traditional cheese sandwich.
                                    5     Kevin lost some time at hospital because of some files he needed
                                        to finish.
                                    6    Michelle thinks that her choice was bad.

         2.  Think about your bad choices that you regret in the past. Then tell the story of your choice as in
             the example.
             Example:   I wish I hadn’t felt asleep on the beach that summer. If I had been more careful, I wouldn’t have been
                      in my hotel room with my burning back.

         3.  Read the paragraph and decide if the statements below are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).

                                            PRECAUTION IS A MUST
                   Olga and Murat Akbar, both living in Italy, work for the same clinic. They were taking every
                   precaution while working at their clinic. Outside of work, they had been seeing only family
                   and a very few close friends, who had been similarly compulsive about being cautious in
                   the district that saw 2,000 new cases of COVID-19 last weekend. The Akbars cancelled
                   a planned vacation to Turkey in July after the country’s soaring case counts, opting for a
                   long weekend in Varnazza, one of the secluded towns in Cinque Terre, instead. On the
                   weekend of  July 25-26, they  invited only their closest family members, including  their
                   parents who are in their 60s and closest friends to join them primarily  for an outdoor
                   gathering by the sea. All of these family members were taking the utmost precautions,
                   too. They spent most of the time outside and kept social distance. However, they didn’t
                   wear masks.
                   After that gathering, nine of twelve people who went to Varnazza-including the Akbars-
                   tested positive for COVID-19. They said “We did not wear masks because we were outside.
                   If we had worn our masks, we wouldn’t have tested positive. We wish we had stayed
                   isolated in our homes. If we had obeyed the regulations, we might not have suffered from
                   this disease. If only all the people had been the ones we knew well, we shouldn’t have
                   met at all.  We shouldn’t have had a false sense of security.  Yeah, we hadn’t joined to the
                   weddings, beach gatherings or restaurant meetings, but things would have been different
                   if we had taken the maximum precautions.”

             1     The Akbars went on their vacation to Turkey in July.
             2     Nine out of twelve people in their 60s died of coronavirus after the gathering.
             3     The Akbars and their close friends partly obeyed the rules to safeguard against COVID-19.
             4     If they hadn’t gathered outside in Varnazza, they might not have tested positive.
             5     They wished they had stayed in their homes instead of enjoying a weekend by the seaside.
             6    It was a good choice meeting and enjoying outside at the weekend with the family and

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