P. 38

FUNCTIONS:                                                English  11
                                •  Expressing degrees of certainty in the past                Theme 6
                                •  Expressing the criticism for the events in the past  Open Your Heart 17

         1.  Listen to the dialog and find three people they are talking about.      Tapescript 6.2.1

             A                             B                           C

             D                             E                           F

         2.  Read the situations below. Then ask and answer the questions.

              a   A classmate sitting near you had bad breath. What might have S/he eaten?
              b  The teacher got a phone call during online class yesterday and looked very worried. What could
                 have happened?
              c   Your sister didn’t tidy her wardrobe. What should have she done?

         3.  Rewrite the sentences with the structures given in the boxes.

                  must have                    shouldn’t have  couldn’t have          might have

              1    You took more clothes with you than you needed. (take)
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
              2    I thought there’d be a possibility to give a call and say you’d be late. (give)
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
              3    I’m sure they visited the famous museum in Germany. (visit)
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
              4    Ted has been in Germany since April. It wasn’t possible that you saw him in Paris. (be)
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .

          4.  Tick the correct item according to the situations.
             1    Mark shouldn’t have spent his time watching TV last night.

                     a    Mark watched TV a lot last night.      b    Mark likes watching TV.
             2    Mary Nelson must have finished lunch by now.
                     a    I’m sure Mary Nelson has finished      b    I’m sure Mary Nelson hasn’t finished
                         lunch.                                      lunch.

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