P. 40

FUNCTIONS:                                                English  11
                                •  Expressing degrees of certainty in the past                Theme 6
                                •  Expressing the criticism for the events in the past  Open Your Heart 18

         1.  Imagine that you were a father/mother. What could you do if your kids always quarrelled a lot?
             How could you criticise your kids’ misbehaviours?
         2.  Read the paragraph and decide if the following statements are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).

                                           ESCAPE FROM THE CANYON
                  Early in the morning of May 5, 2005, Yousuf Jacob left
                  his home in the city of Samsun and headed west across
                  Vezirköprü through Şahinkaya Canyon in his truck. A
                  passionate  climber  was planning  a day hiking  alone
                  in  the  Şahinkaya  Canyon,  Turkey’s  second-biggest
                  canyon. With the magnificent landscape stretching for
                  miles all around, he parked the truck and continued on
                  his bike until the track ended. While he was riding his
                  bike, he thought what a lovely day without his phone
                  notification beeps. Suddenly, he realized that he hadn’t got his phone. He thought he might
                  have forgotten to take it with him and the phone could have been in his home. Then he
                  realized that he had stopped at the gas station and talked with his colleague, then he had
                  gone to the toilets. He said “It can’t be at home. I must have put it somewhere at the gas
                  station.” in a certain tone. After deciding to take his phone back on the way home, he started
                  to climb down into the canyon when he put his hand on a boulder and it came loose. He
                  lost his balance for a second and slipped down to the bottom of the canyon. The boulder
                  came crashing after him and landed on his arm. In a few seconds the outing had turned
                  into a nightmare. Above, a sliver of blue sky was all he could see. But a Syrian family, a boy
                  and a girl with their parents, were hiking by the canyon. At the bottom, it was impossible for
                  Mustafa to shout for help and even if he had done, it might have been pointless. To make
                  matters worse, he hadn’t a mobile phone and hadn’t told anyone except his colleague where
                  he was going. He thought he should have been more careful about keeping his belongings.
                  All he had was 330 ml of water, two sandwiches, an apple and a small knife. The nightmare
                  continued for almost two hours as he tried to keep his spirits up and think of a solution. But, at
                  this critical point, luck intervened and the Syrian family saw him at the bottom and called the
                  ambulance immediately. They couldn’t help him except calling for the ambulance because
                  they saw that he had been injured and his hand must have had a serious pain. They wouldn’t
                  have seen him if their daughter hadn’t dropped down her necklace to the canyon. Amazingly,
                  he managed to rappel down a 20-metre cliff with a bandaged hand and get out of the canyon.
                  They-Yousuf and the Syrian family-started walking towards the road thanking and wishing
                  good luck to each other.

              1     Yousuf Jacob had little hiking experience.
              2     He called for help at the gas station.
              3     He climbed down to the bottom of the canyon and couldn’t get out.
              4     The Syrian family was also at the bottom of the canyon.
              5     He was critical about himself because he lost his mobile phone.
              6    The Syrian family visited Yousuf after the accident.

            3.  Match the highlighted words in the paragraph with their definitions below.

                 1   Canyon         a    Get down a steep slope with a rope
                 2   Boulder        b    Valley with very steep slides.
                 3   Sliver         c    A large rock
                 4   Rappel         d    A small, thin strip of something
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