P. 42

FUNCTIONS:                                                English  11
                                •  Talking about landmarks and monuments
                                                                                              Theme 7
                                •  Describing cities and historic sites              Facts About Turkey 19
                                •  Asking for and giving more detailed information
         1.  Look at the facts about Turkey. Tick the ones you have an idea and talk about them.
                  1    The Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque is a must-see place in İstanbul.
                  2    Mardin, located on Mesopotamian plains, is said to be the birthplace of the civilization.
                  3    Many houses and hotels in Ayder Plateau are built using wood to match with the natural
                      beauty of green hills.

         2.  Listen to the conversation between two friends about a tourist destination in Turkey. Tick the
             statements as true (T) or false (F).   Tapescript 7.1.1
              1     Muğla is bigger than another tourist attraction, Antalya.
              2     Dalyan is more expensive than Bodrum.
              3     There are different kinds of accommodation for every budget type.
              4     Dalyan is located by the shores of Köyceğiz Lake.
              5     The weather is hot and dry during summer.

         3.  Listen to the conversation again and answer the questions below.

              1    What are Danilo and Anna talking about?
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
              2    Why does Danilo describe Dalyan as an ideal holiday destination?
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .
              3    Where is the world heritage in Dalyan located?
                  ................................................................................................................................................... .

         4.  Circle the correct option.
              1     The Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque is one of the greatest statues/structures in the world.
              2     Thousands of people visit the tomb/structure of Ertuğrul Gazi in Söğüt, Bilecik every year.
              3     There is a nice statue/tomb of Atatürk on a horse in Ulus Square, Ankara.
              4     Sümela mosque/monastery has been restored lately in Trabzon.
              5     Düden waterfalls/ rivers are visited by thousands of tourists from all over the world.

          5.  Using the prompts below, rewrite the sentences as in the example.
              Example:   A: Look at that house! What happened to it?
                       B: It / destroy/in an earthquake
                            It was destroyed in an earthquake.
              1   A: That’s a beautiful sweater you’re wearing!
                  B: Thank you. It / knit / my grandma
              2   A: What do you know about the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque?
                  B: It / visit/ many tourists/ every year
              3   A: There is always a terrible noise at my study.
                  B: A new hospital/build/ in your neighbourhood/ at the moment

           6.  Tell about a tradition in your hometown including what it is called, when and where it is done.
               Record your voice and send it to your best friend.

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