P. 39

3    Liz might have been hit by a car.
                     a    Liz was lucky that she wasn’t.         b    Liz crossed the road without looking.
             4    I’m sure Peter didn’t steal the money.

                     a    Peter can’t have stolen the money.     b    Peter could have stolen the money.

          5.  Read the paragraph and decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS).

                          What Happened to My Cake?
                Sam was very tired after a very exhausting day, and all he wanted
                was to arrive home. While he was opening the door, suddenly, he
                remembered that there was a huge cake in the fridge. The idea
                of eating it in front of the TV made him happy. However, when he
                opened the fridge, he was shocked that there wasn’t any piece of cake
                there. The empty plate was on the table. What might have happened to the cake? He started to
                think about the possible choices. His mother might have had some guests, and she might have
                served it to them. No, it wasn’t a good probability because today his mother was at work all day.
                What about his little brother? In fact, he could have eaten the whole cake, but today he had a
                basketball match, so he wasn’t at home, either. Sam thought that he should have warned the
                family members not to eat his share. He shouldn’t have left the rest of the cake on the table. At
                that moment, he realized that Lucky, the naughty dog, was sleeping with his dirty mouth which
                was fully covered with chocolate. Oh no! He must have been the guilty. He must have eaten all
                the cake secretly when nobody was at home.

             1     Sam’s mother might have eaten the cake.
             2     Sam’s brother can’t be the one who ate the cake.
             3     Sam’s brother never came home that day.
             4     Sam shouldn’t have forgotten to warn the family members about the cake.
             5     The dog ate the cake when it was alone at home.
             6    Sam must have left the cake in his room.

          6.  Write three predictions about your close friend’s last weekend. Send a text message to him/her
              and check which of your predictions come true as in the example.
              Example:  Hey, dude! Here are my predictions about your last weekend. Are they true or false? Let’s check them!
             •   You can’t have gone out because there was a legal lockdown at the weekend.
             •   You might/could have played video games after finishing your homework.
             •   You might/could have watched the football match of your favourite team.

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